Page 55 of Hemlock Island

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“Yes, then,” I say. “It’s overly complicated. You just don’t want to say that.”

“Actually, no. This morning I’d have said Sadie couldn’t have done any of this. Now…” He scratches his beard and looks around. “I’ve been seeing the side of Sadie she wants me to see. I think she’s done things to drive people away from you.”

“Jayla told you.”

“Told me what?”

I head for the forest beyond the boathouse, which is the other part of our search area. “It’s okay. Jayla talked to me about the dating profile.”


I glance over. “That isn’t what you were talking about?”

“Uh, no. Jayla hasn’t said anything to me. I’m guessing she thinks Sadie was responsible for whatever made you guys go your separate ways after college, something to do with a dating profile?”

“I don’t think any one person—or event—could be blamed for that. There was a lot going on. Law-school and teachers-college application stress. Jayla coming out. Us ending up on opposite sides of the country for years.”

“But Sadie did something to drive the wedge in further. To hurt you both.”

“Sadie thinks… What happened with Garrett… She thinks I destroyed her family and Jayla helped.”

Kit’s voice hardens. “Youdidn’t destroy anything. That was all Garrett.”

“But if you’re Sadie, and you’re convinced that I lied and that Jayla supported my lie, then I destroyed Sadie’s family with Jayla’s help.”

“Sadie can feel like that at sixteen. Not at thirty-two.”

I stand on the edge of the forest and look in. With the dark clouds looming overhead, even this sparse bit of woods looks like a sylvanportal to some dark world, one stray patch of light turning a dead tree branch into a gnarled finger, beckoning us in.

I push off the feeling. I love this bit of woods, those dead trees, the stories those twisted branches tell of times long past.

I find the path and stride in.


“I need to talk to you about something really awkward, Kit,” I say once we’re in the forest.

“About Sadie, I’m guessing.”

“Yes. I’m not asking about your relationship. That’s none of my business, which is what makes this really awkward.”

He stops. When I keep walking, he strides in front of me and turns around. “You think I’m sleeping with Sadie?”

“That’d be none of my business.”

“Did she say we were?”

I hesitate.

“Not in those exact words, right?” He swears under his breath. “Because that’s not Sadie. She just insinuated it, and since you know we had a one-nighter before you and I got together, it makes sense, especially if she’s showing up here after I canceled drinks…” He shakes his head. “Let’s clear this up right now. Outside of business, I haven’t had any contact with Sadie since we got married.”

“If you did—”

“You’d understand. I heard that, and I know you mean it, which is why I wouldn’t lie. Weweresupposed to have drinks last night. Discussing business. She’s been pitching marketing projects to me, someof which I’ve bought. Yes, talking over drinks was her idea, and yes, it’s not the first time, and yes, I’ve gotten the sense she’s hoping it’ll lead to more, but it hasn’t and won’t. I can spot that particular trap a mile away. I have money, and Sadie likes money.”

I shake my head. “She likesyou. She has for a long time, and she thinks I… Well, hopefully she doesn’t seriously believe I married you to spite her, but she does have a crush on you. Has for years.”

His brow furrows. “Sadie?”
