Page 1 of Lumber Snack

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I step out of my truck and breathe in the crisp mountain air. The log cabin in front of me looks like something out of a postcard, nestled amongst the pines with the sapphire lake sparkling in the distance.

I heft my duffel bag over my shoulder. Hockey season is finally over and I’ve got two blissful months of solitude ahead of me. No practices, no games, no screaming fans or reporters in my face. Just me, this gorgeous cabin, and enough peace and quiet to make a monk jealous.

I push open the heavy wooden door and stop in my tracks, gaping. The interior is straight out of a designer magazine, all exposed beams, stone fireplaces, and plush leather furniture. My buddy Lucas wasn’t kidding when he said this place was amazing.

I let out a low whistle. “Now this is what I’m talking about.”

My voice echoes in the huge great room. I take my time exploring, admiring the top-of-the-line appliances in the chef’s kitchen and the decadent glass-enclosed rainfall shower in the master bath. The place even has a hot tub on the deck, overlooking the lake.

“Beats the hell out of a hotel,” I chuckle to myself. For the first time in months, the knot in my shoulders starts to loosen. This may be exactly what I needed.

I grab a water bottle from the fridge and step out onto the deck, settling into one of the Adirondack chairs. The sun is just starting to set, staining the sky pink and orange above the jagged mountain peaks. A hawk circling lazily overhead.

I take a long pull from my water and sigh, feeling the stress of the last few months slowly melt away. “Now, this is more like it,” I murmur, closing my eyes. Finally, some peace and freakin’ quiet.

I take another swig, savoring the cold sensation as I look out at the stunning mountain vista surrounding me. For once, my mind feels blissfully blank. No practices to stress about, no games to analyze, no media to deal with. Just me, this deck and the great wide open.

As the sun sinks below the peaks, the temperature starts to drop. I head back inside, grabbing some logs from the stack by the fireplace to get a fire going. Soon, flames are crackling in the hearth, warming up the great room.

I shed my clothes as I walk to the bedroom, leaving a trail across the hardwood floors. I slide between the silky soft sheets naked, sighing in contentment. This bed could rival my own back home. Lucas is as tall and big as me, so his California king size is perfect for my huge body.

I stretch, feeling my muscles relax into the plush mattress. My eyes grow heavy as I stare out through the wall of windows at the glittering night sky over the lake. The fireplace glow casting flickering shadows across the room.

“Fucking perfect,” I mumble, my words coming out slurred with sleepiness. For the first time in longer than I can remember, I feel completely at peace.

I wake slowly the next morning, blinking against the sunlight streaming through the wall of windows. For a moment, I’m disoriented. The enormous bed, the vaulted ceilings, the view of pine-covered mountains…this definitely isn’t my apartment back in the city.

Then it all comes back to me - the cabin in Lake Tahoe, my time off, the sweet isolation. I stretch and roll over, savoring the feel of the soft sheets against my naked skin. No alarms, no practice, nothing on the agenda. Just pure relaxation.

My stomach rumbles, so I roll out of bed and head for the kitchen, not bothering to put clothes on. Why would I? There’s no one around for miles to be offended by my bare ass. I get busy around the spacious kitchen, firing up the fancy coffee maker and rummaging through the fully-stocked fridge for breakfast items.

Within minutes I’m seated out on the deck, legs propped up the railing, coffee within arm’s distance and a plate of eggs and buttered toasts in the other. The view of the lake shimmering below never gets old. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the crisp mountain air. Silence surrounds me, broken only by the occasional call of a bird.

I could get used to this. No screaming fans, no sports reporters in my face, no one demanding a piece of me. Out here, it’s just me and the mountains. A slow smile spreads across my face. This just might be the best decision I ever made.

I finish my breakfast and head back inside, leaving the dishes in the sink. There will be plenty of time for chores later. Right now, I want to explore my temporary mountain home a bit more.

I wander through the great room, running my hand over the smooth log walls and taking in the vaulted ceilings. A massive stone fireplace dominates one wall, already set with logs.

Off the great room is a cozy den, furnished with overstuffed leather furniture and another fireplace, smaller but no less impressive. The entire back wall is made of floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the lake. I sink into one of the leather chairs and put my feet up on an ottoman with a contented sigh. A guy could get used to this.

The master suite hosts a king-sized bed made up with soft linens and a bunch of pillows. But the real showstopper is the bathroom, sporting both a huge walk-in shower and a sunken jetted tub. “I have to try this out,” I mutter to myself with a grin. There’s even a basket of bath bombs and oils on the counter. Looks like Lucas went all out.

I turn the taps on full blast, pouring in a generous helping of bubble bath. The scent of eucalyptus and spearmint fills the air as I slide into the hot, frothy water. “Mmm…just what I needed,” I groan, already feeling the tension seeping from my muscles. Maybe later I’ll check out the hot tub on the deck. But for now, I’m perfectly content right here in my own private spa.

I lose track of time as I soak in the massive tub, the hot water and bubbles soothing my sore muscles. By the time I drag myself out, my skin is pruney and the water has gone lukewarm. I wrap myself in one of the plush robes hanging on the back of the door and pad barefoot into the bedroom.

A quick glance out the window tells me the sun has just started to dip below the tree line. I debate between taking a nap or relaxing by the fire with a book. My growling stomach makes the decision for me - dinner first.

After pulling on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, I head to the massive kitchen to see what’s in the fridge. Looks like Lucas had it fully stocked before my arrival. I grab a bottle of juice and some ingredients to throw together a simple pasta dish.

While the water boils, I wander out to the back deck with my drink in hand. The view of the lake framed by tall pines is stunning. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the crisp, pine-scented air. Out here, away from the crowds and the noise, I feel more relaxed than I have in months.

When my dinner’s ready, I take it in front of the giant stone fireplace in the living room. The warmth of the fire feels good after being out in the night air. I set my plate on the coffee table and grab a book I packed, slipping my glasses on. Some airport newspaper stand thriller, perfect for mindless reading. I settle into the soft leather couch, ready to unwind.
