Page 19 of Lumber Snack

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He lowers his head to nip at my earlobe.

A delicious shiver runs through me as his hands begin to roam, stroking over my skin in a way that ignites my every nerve ending.

I gasp, tangling my fingers in his hair to hold him close.

Gael pulls back to grin at me, eyes gleaming triumphantly.

His mouth claims mine, hot and demanding, and I lose myself in his embrace once more.

When Gael touches me, holds me, loves me, I feel complete in a way I never thought I could. Together we are two halves of the same whole, souls and hearts bound as tightly as our bodies.

And that is exactly how I intend to keep it.

* * *

The morning light filters through the curtains, bathing the room in a warm golden glow. I stretch languidly, muscles pleasantly sore in all the right places.

Gael’s arm is draped over my waist, his chest rising and falling against my back in the steady rhythm of sleep.

A smile tugs at my lips as memories of last night flood my mind. The passion, the laughter, the whispered words of love and devotion we shared.

My heart swells with joy and contentment. Here, in this moment, wrapped up in the arms of the man I love, I have everything I could ever want or need.

The future is ours to explore, an open road ahead filled with possibilities. There will be ups and downs, trials and triumphs, but as long as Gael and I are together, I know we can face anything.

I lace my fingers through his, squeezing gently. He stirs, pulling me even closer with a sleepy murmur.

“Morning, mi cielo,” he rasps, pressing a soft kiss to the back of my neck. “How is my girl today?”

“Very happy,” I reply, turning in his arms to meet his gaze. The warmth and tenderness I find there fills me with peace. “And you?”

“The happiest man alive,” Gael says simply. He brushes a strand of hair from my face, eyes shining with love and contentment. “And as long as I have you, that will always be true.”

My heart swells at his words. I reach up to cup his cheek, tears of joy pricking at my eyes.

“I will always be yours,” I whisper.

Gael smiles, slow and sweet, then dips his head to capture my lips in a kiss as tender as his promise.

Here, in this perfect moment, is all the reward I will ever need.

Next Lunchtime Chronicles Book


He’s so tasty, she just can’t resist.

Niko Rusek had never been one to have female friends. Kizzie McCall blew into his life, and nothing was ever the same again.

But now she’d moved away and he realized she had filled a void in his life no one had ever claimed before. There was one thing he hadn’t shared with Kizzie before she left and that was how much he needed and loved her.

Niko hadn’t wanted to risk losing Kizzie by crossing the line, so he remained in the friend zone.

Kizzie McCall recently relocated home to help with the thriving family barbeque business. In doing so, she now lived across the country from her closest friend in the world.

Who was going to listen to her complain about her lousy dating adventures? Or give her advice when it came to the opposite sex?

She missed him like crazy.
