Page 2 of Lumber Snack

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I polish off the last bites of my pasta and place my empty plate on the coffee table. The fire is dying down now, reduced to softly glowing embers. I set my book aside, suddenly feeling the events of the day catching up with me. My eyes grow heavy as I stare into the flickering flames.

With a yawn, I haul myself up from the plush couch. I rinse off my plate and leave it in the sink, too tired to deal with dishes. Flicking off the lights as I go, I make my way upstairs to the master bedroom.

The room is straight out of a fancy hotel brochure, with a king-sized four-poster bed as the centerpiece. I peel back the covers to reveal smooth, high thread-count sheets. Sliding between the cool sheets feels incredible against my skin. I stretch out, once more reveling in their softness.

Resting my head against the mountain of pillows, I take a moment to gaze out the wall of windows next to the bed. The sky is an endless black canvas dotted with glittering stars. Out here, far from any city, the stars shine brighter than I’ve ever seen.

The view is tranquil and serene. For the first time in a long while, I feel a sense of true peace. No obligations - just me and the quiet solitude of the mountains. I close my eyes, ready for a restful night.



“Damn, girl! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to seduce that laptop,” my big sister, Shana, teases as she enters my apartment. I roll my eyes at her and keep typing, trying to finish my latest erotic romance novel.

“Hey, a girl’s gotta get her bag,” I retort with a smirk, never taking my eyes off the screen. At thirty-two years old, I, Halima Johnson, am not doing bad for myself at all. My professional success, vibrant personality and sassy attitude are matched only by my voluptuous curves, which Shana says could give the Kardashians a run for their money. Not like she should be talking with her ass and tits for days… But despite my outward confidence, there’s no denying that being a successful erotica author takes its toll on me.

“Seriously, though, Hali,” Shana continues as she flops on the sofa with a sigh, “you look exhausted. When was the last time you took a break?”

“Does sleeping count?” I joke half-heartedly, finally tearing my gaze away from my work. The truth is, I’m struggling to remember the last time I allowed myself some much-needed rest. Between my hectic schedule and the constant deadlines, it seems my life has become one long blur of steamy scenes and hot encounters – all on paper, mind you.

“Bitch, you need a vacation,” Shana insists, her concern evident in her almond-shaped eyes. And as much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. My body aches from spending countless hours hunched over my laptop, and my mind feels like it’s on the verge of imploding from the self-imposed pressure to deliver the filthiest, most entertaining stories to my dear readers.

“Maybe you’re right,” I concede with a weary sigh, closing my laptop and running a hand through my long single braids. “I just don’t know where I’d go.”

I need to find something that will help me recharge and maybe even provide some new inspiration for my next naughty tale.

As I stretch my limbs and try to shake off the fatigue weighing me down, I can’t deny the prospect of a vacation is starting to sound pretty damn good. Little do I know how my life is about to change in ways I never could have imagined…

The cacophony of the city assaults my senses – honking horns, chattering pedestrians, and the incessant hum of the San Francisco traffic. The noise is an unwelcome reminder of the relentless pace I’ve been keeping up in recent months. My soul yearns for for silence and serenity.

“Ugh, why is everything so damn loud?” I grumble under my breath, rubbing my temples as I attempt to sooth the dull ache that’s taken up residence behind my eyes.

“Sounds like someone really needs a break,” Shana remarks with a knowing smile, her long, wavy locks bouncing around her shoulders as she glides effortlessly into the room. My older sister always seems to know when I’m at my wit’s end.

“Nice of you to notice,” I retort, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

Completely unfazed by my snarky attitude, she adds, “you know Lucas and I aren’t using the Lake Tahoe cabin right now. Why don’t you go spend some time there? It’s the perfect place to escape all this… chaos.”

“Really?” My mood instantly shifts from irritated to interested. “And Lucas won’t mind?”

“Pfff. He’s off to some training camp, and I’m swamped with work. Go enjoy yourself – you deserve it.”

My mind drifts back to my previous visits at the gorgeous mountain cabin in Lake Tahoe. It’s almost too good to be true.

Shana’s voice is paired with a warm smile. “Consider it yours for as long as you want.”

I can already picture the cabin nestled among the towering pines, its rustic wooden exterior blending seamlessly into the serene landscape. I remember the scent of pine needles and fresh mountain air that greeted me each morning as I sipped my coffee on the spacious deck. That was heaven.

“Okay,” I finally relent, excitement bubbling up inside me like champagne. “I’ll do it!”

“Good,” Shana says, clapping her hands together with a grin. “You need this break, Halima. And who knows? Maybe you’ll find some inspiration up there too.”

“Maybe,” I agree, biting my lip as I imagine all the ways I could unwind and let loose during this much-needed getaway. The luxurious amenities of the cabin have always impressed me – the steamy hot tub perched on the edge of the deck, the plush king-sized bed draped in high-thread sheets, and the elegant fireplace crackling in the main living area.

“Alright, I’m in,” I declare with excitement.

“Finally!” Shana exclaims, laughing as she gives me a hug. “And who knows, maybe you’ll even meet someone up there who can help you… blow off some steam.”
