Page 21 of Lumber Snack

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Lucas flashes me his panty-melting dimpled grin and drags a pool chair next to mine before sprawling out on it. “Yes, and I think you chose the perfect place.”

I laugh. This kid clearly doesn’t lack confidence. “And what makes you think that’s a good thing?” I volley back.

He casually shrugs his massive shoulders. “Oh, I got a feeling we’ll have some fun together.” His hazel eyes sear a scorching path the length of my barely dressed body.

I feel an involuntary flutter between my legs.

His smile is hypnotic. I can practically feel the sexual tension crackling between us. Maybe a vacation fling with my cocky athlete neighbor is exactly what the doctor prescribed…

We spend the next few hours chatting and playfully bantering by the poolside. Lucas is charming in a confident, yet casual way. Underneath the surface swagger, he seems genuinely interested in learning more about me and my life. The vibe between us feels…right, somehow. Comfortable and exciting all at once.

As the sun dips low into the sky, igniting brilliant hues of orange and pink across the horizon, Lucas and I both fall silent, transfixed by the incredible view.

When I tear my gaze away, I find Lucas intently watching me, the dying rays of sunlight dancing in his hazel eyes. Before I can think rationally, I’m leaning closer, drawn like a magnet to him. Lucas meets me halfway, his large hand coming up to cradle my jaw as his mouth finds mine in a sensual kiss.

Warmth floods through me at the contact. Lucas takes his time exploring my lips, kissing me deeply, but gently. When we finally break for air, he rests his forehead against mine.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” he murmurs, voice low and gravelly.

I smooth my fingers across his cheek. “Yeah? What else have you been wanting to do?”

His eyes darken at the implicit invitation. Slowly, he captures my mouth again, this time with more passion and hunger, making my toes curl.

By the time we finally separate, lips swollen and breathless, the air has shifted between us. The playful sparks from earlier have ignited into a full-on blaze.

As Lucas helps me up from my lounge chair, with an arm possessively wrapped around my waist, I can’t help but wonder what else that amazing mouth of his is capable of…
