Page 4 of Lumber Snack

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I sit on the plush bed in one of the luxurious guest rooms of the cabin, my fingers idly playing with the silky sheets beneath me. My mind wanders, trying to remember where I’ve seen Gael before. The annoyance and surprise from his semi-nakedness and gruff attitude faded, leaving only curiosity.

“Oooooh,” I murmur to myself, a slow grin spreading across my face. Now I remember seeing him play with Lucas. It was impossible not to notice him, not just because of his skill on the ice, but because of that raw, rugged sex appeal he carries with him.

Gael is one of those men who commands attention without even trying. His chiseled features, intense brown eyes, and the way his arms flexed under his jersey had me entranced. And then there was that fierce determination. The way he played like each game was his last. Watching him bulldoze against the other titans on the ice, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in my stomach.

“Daaamn,” I whisper, fanning myself as thoughts of Gael fill my mind. “I can’t believe I’m actually here with him.”

My heart races, knowing I get to spend time alone with one of my celebrity crushes – a man whose image has filled more than one of my naughty fantasies. And now, with the memory of his half-naked body just a few feet away, within arm’s reach, fresh in my mind, I can’t help but imagine all the ways I could explore that mountain of muscles.

“Stop it, Halima,” I chastise myself, shaking my head as if to clear away my dirty thoughts. But I know the thoughts are going to linger, and the anticipation is almost too delicious to bear.

The other place where I saw Gael is Messy Mandy’s gossip column. I practically live for her juicy tidbits about celebrities, and she has a particular fondness for El Loco, always posting about his smoking-hot body, most eligible bachelor status and successful pro career.

I can’t believe I didn’t recognize him right away. I’ve spent hours devouring her posts about him. Her sassy voice gives her page a light, fun tone that has a way of drawing you in and making you feel like you’re part of her girlfriend circle. And boy, does she have a lot to say about Gael! Mandy loves to highlight his single status, which only fueled my fantasies about him.

“Damn, he really is fine though,” I muse, remembering how I was always captivated by his pictures. There was something about his grumpy, solitary nature that intrigued me. It was like he was a mystery waiting to be solved, and I couldn’t help but want to be the one to crack the code.

“Girl, bye,” I scold myself, feeling my cheeks grow hot as I recall watching him on the ice. Every time I saw him live or on TV, my heart raced, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his powerful form, the way he moved with such intensity and passion. It made my imagination run wild, concocting all sorts of steamy scenarios between us.

“Whew, this is too much,” I mutter under my breath, fanning myself as the images continue to flood my mind. My body hums with horniness.

“Can’t believe this is actually happening,” I whisper, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. As much as I try to tell myself to calm down, I can’t shake the desire building inside me.

I can’t help but reach for my phone. I open up Facebook and navigate to Messy Mandy’s page, a guilty pleasure of mine that never fails to entertain me with its light-hearted gossip and fun updates on the lives of my favorite celebrities.

In no time at all, I’m scrolling back through the posts until I find one featuring Gael. He’s wearing his ice hockey uniform, and the intense look in his brown eyes sends a shiver down my spine. His dark hair is damp with sweat, clinging to his forehead, making him look even hotter. I imagine the way his muscles flex under his jersey, and I feel my breath catch in my throat as I trace my fingers over his image on the screen.

“So fucking hot,” I whisper, biting my lip as I continue to scroll through the pictures. In one photo, he’s shirtless, revealing a sculpted chest and defined abs that make my heart race. His tattoos are on full display, adding an edge to his ruggedly handsome appearance. I let out a soft moan, feeling a flutter run through my pussy.

“Girl, get it together,” I chastise myself, trying to shake myself off.

I take a deep breath and set my phone aside. As I stand up and smooth out my clothes, I remind myself that this is real life, not some steamy fantasy. But that doesn’t stop my heart from pounding in my chest, or the heat that’s slowly spreading through my veins, making my clit throb like crazy. Maybe if I rubbed a quick one?…

* * *

I step into the hallway and pad towards the living room. A deliciously musky, masculine scent fills the air, making me dizzy with desire. The sound of muffled laughter floats through the space, and as I round the corner, I find Gael sitting on the couch, his long legs sprawled out before him.

“Hey,” he mutters, briefly glancing up from his phone, his face closing off when he sees me. His voice is just as low and rumbly as before, sending shivers down my spine.

“Hey,” I reply, my face flushing. I clear my throat and try to focus on anything but the way his t-shirt hugs his muscular frame or the sexy frown marring his handsome face.

“Listen, Gael, I wanted to apologize for earlier,” I say, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. “It was a surprise seeing you here, and I may have overreacted.”

“Apology accepted,” he rumbles, his dark eyes never leaving mine. There’s an intensity in his gaze that makes it nearly impossible to look away. My heart races as the air between us crackles with electricity.

Is it just me or is Gael, El Loco, Garcia also staring like he can’t take his gaze off my body?…

* * *

Gael holds up his hands, palms facing me. “Truce. How ‘bout we share the cabin but steer clear from each other?”

I fold my arms over my chest, eyeing him warily. My heart thumps at the sight of his broad chest. “Well, we have to. There’s only one cabin.”

He tilts his head, his dark gaze briefly dropping to my mouth. “We each get our space and share the kitchen and great room. Deal?”

My pussy throbs at his deep, commanding tone. Fuck, what is wrong with me? I squeeze my thighs together, biting down on my bottom lip. “Deal.”
