Page 47 of Steel

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Kai’s gasp was the most erotic thing he’d ever heard, and it pushed him right over the edge with him. He came hard, gasping for air as pleasure washed over him. He buried his nose in Kai’s hair.

He knew he was smiling wide, but he couldn’t help it.

Kai was just… everything.

“Jesus fucking Christ.”

He looked up to find Griff a few feet from them with his hands covering his daughter’s eyes. From Mia’s big smile, she hadn’t minded the show. Her father on the other hand? He was glaring daggers at them.

Steel tucked himself away and stepped half in front of Kai to shield him from their gazes.

“Better get used to it, sweetheart,” Steel said with a grin.

Mia made a whiney sound, then said, “I’m trying. Someone won’t let me.”

“No,” Griff snapped. “There will be no getting used to anything.”

Poor Mia was dragged toward the clubhouse. She was laughing the whole way while her father cursed them out.

Steel turned his gaze back on Kai, finding the man leaning against the side of the van, body relaxed and his gaze soft.

“I’m in love with you, too,” Kai said, making Steel’s heart soar.

He didn’t think he’d ever heard something so amazing in his whole fucking life.

Chapter Thirteen


HE DIDN’T like being outnumbered. Not when it was thirty to one. Ten he could do. Fifteen might be a stretch, but he’d done it before. Granted, none of these men were waiting to ambush or kill him. Well, maybe one would’ve preferred it.

Ares still wasn’t happy to see him, that was for certain. He wasn’t saying anything, but that was maybe also because Kai stuck to the opposite side of the room from him.

He spied some familiar faces and made his way toward them. Diesel and Chris were standing close together, Diesel’s arm around Chris’ waist while Chris was talking to one of the other guys.

“Kai,” Diesel said, giving him a curious look over. “I didn’t think we’d be seeing you again.”

Kai shrugged, a cheeky smile finding his lips. “I didn’t think so either, but I guess I just am that irresistible.”

Chris huffed out a laugh.

Kai turned toward him. “Hello, detective.”

Chris froze, then blinked at him rapidly.

“You knew?”

Now it was Kai’s turn to blink.

“Do I have eyes?”

Chris’ Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed.

“Honestly? I’m surprised no one else knew.”

“Guess I should thank you for not outing me, then.” Chris lowered his brows. “Wait. Were you aware that they all know now?”

Kai cocked a brow at him in response.
