Page 53 of Steel

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Watching the man he loved walk away broke his heart. The pain was unbearable. It was like a fire burned hot through his heart while at the same time, it felt like that fire had been put out because Kai was no longer there to keep it alive.

The thought of anything happening to Kai had cold slithering down his spine. If Kai got hurt, how could he ever forgive himself? How could he… live?

A wave of dizziness hit him, and he couldn’t get his lungs to pull in air. He flung his arm out and caught himself against the wall to keep from ending up on the floor.

“Whoa, easy there.”

He raised his gaze to find his brother standing in front of him. He let Tony guide him down to sit on the floor while he tried to just breathe.

He leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes while he felt Tony’s fingers on his wrist.

“What if he doesn’t come back?” he whispered.

“You’ll die.”

Steel snapped his eyes open to stare at his brother.

“Trust me,” Tony said, a grim look on his face. “I know.”

Steel swallowed hard. His brother had been in this exact situation before. Trina had to go back to her psycho husband who’d started beating her and attempted to kill her. They’d saved her, of course, but while he’d felt for his brother back then, now he truly understood his pain. His fear.

“How did you get through it?”

Tony’s lips lifted at one corner. “I put my trust in you because I knew you’d get her back.”

Steel nodded, his lips trying and failing to pull into a smile.

“I may have made an oath to help people and do no harm, and I know you’ve made your own kind of oath, too. I can’t say I know exactly what that entails, except that there are a lot of people who are alive because of you,” Tony said and squeezed Steel’s shoulder. “But you made a promise to Kai, too. So go get him back. No matter what it takes.”

Steel sucked in a deep breath and pushed up off the floor, Tony standing along with him.

“I know I don’t say it enough, but I love you.”

Tony rolled his eyes and said, “Oh, I know. That’s why I kept you in the dark about me and Trina. I knew you’d lose your shit because of how much you care. I know you all too well, brother.”

“Is that about high school?”

Had his nerdy brother been bullied relentlessly throughout high school and the first time he’d seen it during his freshman year, he’d beaten the crab out of said bullies? Yes and yes. No one hurt his brother. No one.

Tony shook his head with a light laugh, then motioned with a tilt of his head toward the door.

“Go get him.”


They were waiting at the location Ares and Isaac had agreed on for the hand-over, and when he saw two cars pull up in front of them, one a black Mercedes he knew all too well, cold slithered down his spine. He was about to get into that car with Isaac. Someone whose hands had once brought him pleasure. They sure as fuck wouldn’t now. He’d seen Isaac in his element, and he’d gone home and thrown up. He killed people for a living, but Isaac was in a whole other league. He enjoyed drawing out people’s pain. It made sense, though. He was sure that was the only time the man truly felt anything.

He wasn’t looking forward to that part, but he knew he had to expect it. There were no guarantees that the Disciples would get to him in time. He had to do this. It was the only way to clear his name. He needed that hit gone if he ever planned on making a life with Steel. He was willing to give it a shot, even if it might cost him his life.

The driver got out of the Mercedes and walked to the back, opening the door for Isaac to exit. He looked immaculate as always. The thousand-dollar suit helped.

His blood ran cold and his limbs felt like they were filled with lead as he met Isaac’s cold gaze.

“Let’s go,” Ares said.

“Try not to enjoy this too much.”
