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Talia came into the room, sat on the couch next to Greyson, and tucked her feet under her. “I don’t want you to get mad, but I kind of did something that you may not like.”

Greyson’s goofy smile meant for the baby slid off his face. “Christ, Talia. What did you do? And Ryder, did you know about this?”

Ryder held up his hands. “I couldn’t stop her if I tried.”

She scrunched up her nose in preparation for Greyson’s reaction.“I had lunch with Remi.”

The sound of her name sent a stampede of butterflies fluttering through my stomach.

“Remi?” Greyson choked out her name.

“Don’t kill me, Grey. She told me she’s been trying to contact you.” Talia swung her head around to look at me. “Both of you. And neither of you would return her calls or messages. I don’t blame you, but she swears she didn’t write that article.”

Greyson’s jaw squared. He stood up and handed Zoe to Ryder. “She publicly admitted to it, Tal. It’s been all over the news. She apologized for all the lies and Hollywood Exposé had to pay out big bucks in a settlement.”

“I know. But I talked to her and I believe her. I don’t think she did it,” she said, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “She has something she wants to show you. She’s waiting nearby right now. It’s up to you, but I think you should listen to her.”

Remi was actually here? Despite my anxiety, there was a spark of excitement; I couldn’t deny that I wanted to see her. Remi was the only person who could make my heart race as fast as Greyson did.

Greyson shot a worried look my way, dragging his hand through his hair. “She’s here?”

Talia nodded. “She’ll be here in ten minutes if I text her.”

I made a decision. I had to know the truth for myself.

“I want to see her,” I announced.

Greyson and Talia both looked at me in surprise, but then Greyson conceded. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

Chapter 37


The low hum of the espresso machine and the soft murmur of conversations around me did little to calm my nerves. I sat in the corner of the dimly lit coffee shop, clutching my lukewarm latte as if it were a lifeline. My heart hammered in my chest as my gaze darted between the window and my phone, praying for a text from Talia.

Earlier, she’d mentioned that Ghost had arrived with Greyson at her place, and my mind went into overdrive, wondering what that could mean. The image of our three entwined bodies haunted me, sending tendrils of desire creeping up my spine. I wanted — no, needed — to see them both, to confront whatever twisted reality we were tangled in together.

My phone buzzed with an incoming message. I caught my breath, fingers trembling as I unlocked the screen. It was Talia. ‘They agreed to talk. Come over.’

“Thank God,” I exhaled softly, relief washing over me. Pushing aside my now-cold drink, I gathered my belongings and hurried out of the cafe, thoughts racing through my head. What would I say? How would they react? Would there be anger or understanding?

A wave of nausea rolled through me as I approached Talia’s house, taking note of the sleek, black car parked outside — a sure sign of their presence. I hesitated for a moment, gathering my courage before knocking on the door.

“Come in, Remi,” Talia greeted me warmly, though I could sense the tension in her voice. “They’re waiting for you in the great room.”

“Thanks, Talia,” I said, my throat tight with anxiety. “If you’re willing, I’d like for you and Ryder to listen to what I have to say. It affects you both, as well.”

She offered a reassuring smile. “Ryder is just finishing putting Zoe to bed. I’ll give you some time alone with the boys. We’ll be down in about ten minutes. Okay?”

I took a calming breath. “That’s great. Thanks.”

She showed me to the massive room with breathtaking views of the coast before hurrying off.

As I stepped into the comfortable, but stylishly decorated space, my eyes immediately locked onto the two men seated on the plush sofa. Ghost, his intense, brooding gaze piercing through me like a dagger, and Greyson, his muscular frame tense with anticipation. The palpable energy between them made the air feel thick and charged, their desires and fears mingling like a storm ready to break.

“Remi,” Greyson said, breaking the silence. “We didn’t expect to see you tonight.”

They sat together, a formidable and united front, and I sensed a guarded hostility coming from them both. I couldn’t blame them. They thought I’d published that malicious and hurtful story.
