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“Another gift? You have to stop spoiling Zoe!” Talia admonished playfully, taking the outfit from me and holding it up to admire.

“Can’t help it,” I confessed, grinning sheepishly. “She’s just too cute.”

Talia sighed. “Tell me about it.” She led me inside and fixed me a lemonade while we chatted. “How are you doing, Grey?”

Smiling, I brushed off any hint of the inner turmoil that had been plaguing me.“Ah, you know, the usual TV star life,” I joked. “How’s being a new mom treating you?”

“Exhausting, but worth every sleepless night,” she replied, settling onto the couch with a soft groan. “You wouldn’t believe some of the ridiculous things that have happened.”

I sat next to her. “Try me,” I challenged, genuinely eager to hear her stories.

“Alright, let’s see...” She paused for a moment, recalling the chaos of her new life. “The other day, Ryder accidentally put Zoe’s dirty diaper in the laundry hamper instead of the diaper pail. You can imagine the mess we found when we went to do laundry.”

Imagining the disastrous scene in all its gruesome detail, I cringed. “Yikes!”

“Yep,” Talia laughed, shaking her head. “But it’s all part of the adventure, right?”

My nose wrinkled in protest. “If you say so.” I allowed myself to get lost in the lighthearted banter. For a moment, my thoughts drifted away from Remi and Ghost and the complex web of emotions that had ensnared me.

“Speaking of adventures,” Talia began, a mischievous glint in her eye, “you know what Ryder and I haven’t been able to do since Zoe was born?”

I groaned, but couldn’t suppress a smirk. “Please don’t tell me you’re about to launch into talk about your sex life.”

She picked up the small pillow by her side and threw it at me. “Hey, I’m just saying, it’s been five weeks. And I’m starting to get that itch again. The first few weeks, I didn’t think I’d ever want to have sex again.”

I grimaced theatrically. “Uh, if it’s an itch you’re feeling, you better check with the doctor. You might need some kind of cream.”

“You’re a funny guy,” she deadpanned. “Think about it — could you imagine laying next to a hot guy like Ryder every night and not being able to have sex? But, it’s fine, we’ve always been fans of oral, anyway.” She winked, causing me to choke on my drink.

“Okay, I really didn’t need to know that, thank you very much,” I grimaced, trying to banish the mental image. “What did Knox call it at your wedding? Love at first lip lock? It’s more like love at first ‘lips locked on each other’s genitalia’. You two are crazy.”

“Can’t deny it.” She shrugged with a grin. “But enough about that. What I really want to know...”

Her voice trailed off as Ryder strode into the room, cradling Zoe in his arms. Ryder always looked hot with his fit body and his rumpled dark hair and thick eyelashes, but carrying the tiny baby girl, he somehow looked even hotter. It was no wonder Talia was still head over heels for him.

“Hey, Greyson.” He glanced over at Talia. “She’s had her bottle and been changed. Do you want me to keep her while Grey is here?”

“No, I’ll take her.” She stood up to take Zoe from his arms. “How about we take her on a walk around the neighborhood? I could use the fresh air.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed and then helped her gather up the hundreds of items we’d need to take with us.

As we strolled along, pushing the baby carriage along the little slice of paradise where Talia lived, the sun casting warm rays on our faces, Talia turned her attention back to me.

“Grey, how are things going with Remi?” She glanced over at me, the breeze ruffling her long blonde hair.

I hesitated, weighing my words carefully. “Honestly, Talia, I was about to propose to her. I had the ring; I had the champagne chilled. But at the last minute, I backed out.”

“Really? Why?” Concern flickered across her face.

“Because...” I sighed, struggling to put my feelings into words. “I still struggle with my attraction to men. And I’m not sure if it’s fair to Remi. I love her, but I can’t turn off my feelings for ... other people.”

Talia listened intently, her eyes filled with understanding as she absorbed my confession. As we continued walking, we arrived at a small neighborhood park and settled down on a bench, the serene surroundings a stark contrast to the turmoil inside me. Baby Zoe slept peacefully in her stroller, oblivious to our conversation.

“Greyson,” Talia began gently, “it’s okay to feel confused and conflicted about your feelings. You’re dealing with something that can be very difficult to navigate. And it’s important to remember that you deserve love and happiness, just as much as anyone else.”

Her words offered a small comfort, but the gnawing uncertainty still clawed at my insides. I knew I had some tough decisions ahead — not just for myself, but for Remi, as well.

The leaves rustled softly in the gentle breeze, a stark contrast to the fiery chaos of my thoughts. I knew I had to be honest with Talia — and myself — about the real reason behind my hesitation to propose to Remi.
