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The spotlight bathed me in its harsh, unforgiving glare as I sang my heart out to the frenzied crowd. The roar of their excitement filled the concert hall, a thunderous cacophony that made my pulse race with exhilaration. From my vantage point on stage, I could see the ocean of people losing themselves in the moment, swaying and dancing to the beat of our music.

“Come on!” I shouted into the microphone, urging the crowd to join me in the chorus. Their voices rose in unison, echoing mine as we sang together, feeding off each other’s energy. It was intoxicating, the rush of adrenaline that coursed through my veins as I connected with every single person in that crowd. I felt like a god, commanding the emotions of thousands of souls with just the power of my voice.

I fucking lived for this — this electrifying high that only performing could bring. There was nothing else in the world that could compare to the raw intensity of it all, and I reveled in the knowledge that I was born for this, destined to captivate the masses with my talent.

“Thank you, Pennsylvania!” I called out, breathless from the exertion of putting everything I had into the performance. The music came to a climactic end, and the crowd erupted in deafening applause and cheers. Sweat poured down my face, my hair sticking to my forehead, but I didn’t care — I was alive, more alive than I’d ever felt in a long time.

“Ghost!” I heard a few individual shouts among the roar of the crowd, their adulation fueling the fire within me. I lifted my chin, showing my gratitude and appreciation for their devotion. Then, with one final wave, I turned and walked off the stage, the cheers still ringing in my ears.

My chest heaved with every breath, the adrenaline still surging through my system as I took a moment to savor the aftermath. The high was unlike anything else, an addiction I could never break free from — not that I’d ever want to. This was my life, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Sid’s grin was wide and uncontainable as he stepped beside me. “That was fucking awesome.”

The exhaustion of the performance had yet to set in, but I knew it would soon. For now, though, I allowed myself to float on the euphoria that came from giving everything I had to that stage — to those fans who loved me as much as I loved them.

Knox clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Ghost, you killed it out there, mate.”

I nodded, knowing full well that our combined efforts had made this night one to remember.

“Fuck, yeah. We all did,” I agreed, the fire within me still burning strong. “Now let’s go celebrate.”

The dressing room buzzed with energy as we made our way inside, everyone still riding the high from the concert. Bash, our drummer, was already bouncing off the walls, his boundless energy still ready to be unleashed. “I need to find a chick, or make that two or three, and get this party started.” He shook out his hands as if getting ready to step into a boxing ring.

“Easy there, Bash,” Sid chuckled, shaking his head at his friend’s antics. “You’ve got all night for that.”

Bash grinned mischievously. “Speak for yourself, brother. I’ve got a lot of plans and no time to waste. Besides, I can’t sleep all day like you jokers. I’ve got to get up early, so I can spend time with Kody.”

“Alright, mates, let’s just get cleaned up first,” Knox suggested, wiping sweat from his brow as we all agreed and began preparing ourselves for the night ahead.

As I attempted to make my way to the showers, Trudy, our PR rep, stopped me with a hand on my arm. “Ghost, wait. There’s someone you need to meet,” she said, excitement evident in her voice.

Trudy was always shoving important people in my face at the most inopportune times. “Can’t it wait until after I shower?” I asked, trying to disentangle myself from her grip. But Trudy was persistent.

“No, it can’t,” she insisted. “This is Remi Sutton. She’s a feature writer at Hollywood Exposé, and she’s going to be joining us on tour. She’s doing a full media package on Ghost Parker. Trust me, this is huge.”

“Okay, okay,” I relented, extending my hand to greet her. “Nice to meet you, Remi.”

My eyes flicked to the girl standing beside Trudy. She looked like the typical Hollywood Exposé anchor — young, sexy, with perfect hair and perfect makeup.

“Likewise,” she replied, her handshake firm and confident.

Our eyes locked, her hand still in mine. I felt a rush of electricity, and all at once it was as if the world had disappeared around us. My breath caught in my throat and I found myself lost in the depths of her gaze, feeling an intense awareness that left me surprised and curious.

Something about her intrigued me, though I couldn’t quite put my finger on it yet. I studied the girl before me, trying to ferret it out. She was definitely attractive, but so were many of the girls I met. Maybe it was something about the defiance burning in her eyes that was decidedly opposite from the friendly demeanor she presented that had me taking notice.

“Welcome to the madness,” I said with a smirk, gesturing to the bustling activity occurring around the room. “I hope you’re ready for one hell of a ride.”

A glint of determination sparked in her eyes. “Trust me, I am.”

“Great,” I said, casting a glance over my shoulder at my awaiting shower. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get cleaned up. We’ve got a party to attend.”

“Of course,” Remi nodded, stepping aside to let me pass. “I’ll see you there.”

As I hurried into the shower, my thoughts kept drifting back to Remi. I had a feeling in my gut that she wasn’t here to do a fluff piece on the band. And it was obvious by her demeanor that she wasn’t going to gush all over me like most other reporters did. She was here to dissect me and lay me bare to the world. I’d have to be careful around her. Maybe the odd energy I felt was merely my subconscious warning me to be cautious of this girl.

I stepped under the hot spray of water, thinking about the pretty reporter with the kissable lips. I had a hunch that getting to know her would be anything but boring.

Freshly showered and dressed in my usual attire of tight jeans and a form-fitting black shirt, I stepped back into the chaotic world I inhabited. The party was already in full swing, the air thick with the scent of booze, sweat, and lust. Music pulsed through the room, shaking the very foundations of the building.
