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“Hi,” she replied, shifting nervously from foot to foot. The familiar scent of her perfume enveloped me, intoxicating my senses and setting my skin aflame with longing.

Her hesitant smile was like a dagger to my chest, reminding me of how much I’d messed up our last parting.

As Ghost Parker transitioned into a new song, I couldn’t help but steal glances at Remi, watching the way her dark eyes sparkled in the low light, reflecting the passion that burned within her. Each stolen glance intensified the magnetic pull I felt toward her, and I fought the urge to reach out and touch her silky skin.

My attention shifted back and forth between the stage and Remi, torn between two powerful forces that seemed to be tearing me apart. Ghost’s raw, primal energy onstage captivated me, igniting a fire deep within me that I couldn’t quite understand. How could I love Remi so deeply, yet still be drawn to this enigmatic man who haunted my thoughts?

“Ghost is incredible, isn’t he?” Remi murmured, her voice barely audible above the roaring crowd.

I nodded, unable to form words, feeling the weight of my conflicting emotions. As if sensing my turmoil, Remi looked up at me, her eyes searching mine for answers. But all I could offer her was a weak, apologetic smile, knowing that my heart was torn between her and the mysterious rock star who continued to bewitch me.

“Greyson, are you okay?” she asked tentatively, her concern evident in her furrowed brow.

“Yeah, I’m just glad to see you. I missed you.” The knot in my stomach tightened as I forced myself to look away from Ghost. I knew I had to be truthful with her about my feelings.

“Let’s just enjoy the show,” I suggested, trying to focus on the music that pulsed through the air like a lifeline. But even as the concert reached its crescendo, and the crowd screamed for more, I could feel the oppressive weight of my feelings for both Remi and Ghost crushing me, leaving me gasping for air.

As the final notes faded into the night, I found myself haunted by the question that had been plaguing me for weeks: How could I make a commitment to the woman I loved when Ghost stirred something dark and dangerous within me? The answer eluded me, slipping away like a shadow in the darkness, as my heart continued to be pulled in two impossible directions.

I needed to face reality. Ghost was simply a mad obsession, never destined to be, and Remi was my future. I had to be honest with her and see if she could live with it. If not, I would have to let her go, too. I knew that would leave me shattered, but despite the storm of worry raging inside me, I had no choice.

Remi led me away toward the green room so we could get out of the way of the bustling crew. I usually felt at home backstage — it was not unlike the set of Devious where the constant activity with the support staff made sure everything ran smoothly, but this was Ghost’s domain and I was an interloper here.

We entered a large room that had several tables against the wall filled with a variety of catered food. It seemed awfully late to be eating, but what did I know?

“This is where everyone will hang out waiting for the band to shower and do their meet and greets or interviews. It can get kind of racy, especially when the groupies show up.” She bit her lip tentatively. “But the band is going out to a club tonight. We can go if you want? Trudy tripled the security for you. In case you want to go.”

I finally got to see her in the light. Remi had glossy black hair that cascaded down her back; sometimes it was shiny and straight, but tonight it held sexy, loose waves. Her curves were mouthwatering and her gaze was dark, mysterious, and inviting. Her luscious lips were a fiery red like they were made to be kissed. She was absolutely stunning, but faint lines of fatigue and apprehension were etched across her features. Had I caused that or was it something else? She had hinted that her job wasn’t going that well.

I needed to get Remi alone so I could talk to her about everything. “I came here to talk to you. Unless you need to go to the party for your work?”

She didn’t have a chance to answer because a man carrying a camera and wearing a lanyard that read ‘media pass’ entered the room and made a beeline straight toward us.

“Remi, I need you for a few minutes to go over the shoot list.”

She turned to me with a frown. “I’m sorry. I only have a photographer for two shows, so I have to make sure I get everything. Will you be okay for a couple of minutes?”

I didn’t want to interfere with her job. “Sure, take your time. I’ll be here waiting for you.”

A few women entered the room as Remi left with the photographer. They headed for a bar in the corner, getting drinks and shooting furtive glances my way. I sighed. I was probably only a few minutes from being recognized, but I didn’t want to leave until Remi was back.

I made my way closer to the exit, in case I needed to make a hasty escape, and leaned up against the wall. The long day of work and then cross-country travel was wearing on me. Seeing Ghost had not cleared up anything for me. I’d been hoping my attraction for him had gone away or at least faded, which would have made everything so much easier.

A surge of people, accompanied by what looked like band members from the opening act, crowded into the room. Music started blasting and alcohol started flowing. It only made me feel more tired.

Suddenly, the hairs on my arm stood up. Searching for him, my eyes swept across the room. A bolt of heat shot through me at the sight of him, his broad shoulders accentuated by a tight black T-shirt, and long legs clad in worn jeans. Unruly blond hair fell over his forehead, barely hiding the piercing azure of his eyes. The memory of his gaze holding mine, those full lips pouty as he got his dick sucked off while I watched, had haunted my dreams for years.

I swallowed hard as he pushed off the doorframe and sauntered over, raw masculinity and predatory grace in every step. The heady scent of leather and spice enveloped me, fraying the last remnants of my restraint.

“Greyson. What are you doing here?” His voice was a low rasp, sending a shiver down my spine.

His eyes raked over me, lingering on the exposed skin of my neck and chest. Heat pooled in my groin under the intensity of his gaze. I struggled to form a coherent thought, drunk on his proximity and the promise of forbidden pleasure.

“I — I needed to see Remi,” I managed.

“Is that so?” His voice was low with suspicion. “I thought you broke up with her?”

A flush crept up my cheeks as he moved closer, caging me against the wall with his arms. My heart thundered in my chest, a heady mixture of arousal, apprehension, and anger swirling in my veins. Anger at him for reducing me to a quivering wreck with just one look. At myself for craving his touch, even after he shot me a look of blistering disdain.
