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You’re mine, bunny. I don’t care who else you fuck, but you’ll always be mine.

The thought should have scared me. Commitment wasn’t my thing; possession had no place in my world. But the primal, possessive urge ravaging my thoughts refused to be ignored.

I wondered what Greyson would say if he knew I’d fucked his girl. Not his girl — his ex-girlfriend.

Fuck, I was burning with jealousy. I turned away from the sight of them and turned my attention to the two girls who’d been trying to talk to me. Maybe I’d let them take my mind off everything.

I felt the heat radiating from the bodies of the two women as they pressed closer to me, their sultry smiles and inviting eyes leaving no doubt about their intentions. The scent of their perfume mingled with the smoky air of the bar, creating a heady cocktail that threatened to intoxicate me even more than the whiskey I’d been nursing all night.

“Hey Ghost,” Knox called out as he approached our little group, his brown eyes filled with concern. “We’re heading to the limo now. Time to hit the nightclub.”

“Sounds good,” I replied, my gaze never leaving the women. With a sly grin, I added, “Why don’t you ladies join us?” Their enthusiastic agreement sent a thrill down my spine, igniting a fire that had been smoldering deep within me for far too long.

As we filed out of the bar, I couldn’t help but notice that Greyson and Remi were nowhere to be seen. A flicker of anxiety passed through me, but I quickly pushed it aside — tonight was about forgetting, not dwelling on those two.

Inside the limo, I settled myself between the two women, their warm flesh pressing against me from both sides. I took a long swig from the bottle of champagne the blonde girl handed me, feeling the carbonation tickle my throat as I drank. Across from us, Knox and Ryder watched me with a mix of amusement and concern.

“Slow down, man,” Knox cautioned me, his words barely audible over the thumping bass of the music playing in the limo. I ignored him, taking another gulp of champagne while my hands began to roam over the curves of the women beside me.

As one of them leaned in to whisper something in my ear, her hand sliding up my leg, my thoughts strayed to Remi again. Where was she? And why did it matter so much? I’d shared my bed with countless women over the years, but there was something about her that had gotten under my skin.

“Ghost,” Ryder’s voice cut through my thoughts. “You okay, mate?”

“Fine,” I snapped, forcing myself to focus on the women and the pleasure they offered, but the nagging sensation remained.

As I took another swig of champagne, the bubbles danced on my tongue and Knox’s voice broke through the haze. “Ghost, you need to slow down your partying. Remember last night?”

How could I fucking forget? “Where’s Remi?” I asked, ignoring his advice as guzzled more champagne.

Knox’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Already at the club.”

“I hope Greyson isn’t there,” I muttered under my breath, feeling a surge of irritation at the thought of him.

“What’s wrong with Greyson?” Ryder piped up, sensing the tension between us.

“Nothing,” I bit out, resisting the urge to vent my frustrations about the man who had wormed his way into my life — and possibly Remi’s heart. “I just hate that asshole.”

Ryder defended him, clearly not understanding the depths of my hatred for the TV star. “Greyson’s a good guy.”

“Are you worried Remi will get back together with him or something?” Knox asked, his voice laced with concern. His question hit too close to home, making me squirm in discomfort.

“I don’t give a fuck what they do,” I retorted, turning my attention back to the women flanking me. Their eager hands roamed over my body, but all I could think about was Remi — how she felt pressed against me, her soft sighs and moans as we’d moved together.

And Greyson. Of course, Remi would be interested in him. He was perfect. He had sex appeal, fame, and fortune. Hell, I’d fuck him if I were a woman.

“Ghost,” Ryder persisted, leaning forward with genuine curiosity. “Is something going on with you and Remi?”

“Drop it,” I snapped, my patience wearing thin. I wanted to lose myself in the pleasure these women offered, not discuss the tangled web of emotions that seemed to choke me whenever Remi’s name was mentioned.

As if to prove my point, I leaned in and captured one of the women’s lips in a searing kiss, my hands sliding down her back to grip her hips. I ignored the questioning gazes from Knox and Ryder, determined to forget about Remi, Greyson, and everything else that threatened to consume me.

One of the women grew bolder. She knelt down between my knees and within moments had my dick out and in her mouth. I closed my eyes, sunk my hands in her hair, and tried to get lost in the carnal pleasures, but all I could imagine were the lips of a certain TV star sucking me off. Fuck me.

Despite the girl’s fervent efforts, she couldn’t get me off. I felt the frustration building inside me, and with a sudden surge of irritation, I pushed her off. The limo pulled up to the entrance of the nightclub, and we all stepped out into the night air.

“Alright, let’s have some fun,” Knox said, as our security guards led us through the throngs of people waiting in line. They parted like the Red Sea, their phones popping out to video us as we made our way into the club. Girls were shouting our names and stretching out their hands, but I just ignored it all.

The atmosphere inside was electric. Pulsating beats from the DJ booth filled the air, accompanied by a dizzying array of lights that played upon the writhing bodies on the dance floor. The scent of sweat and cloying perfume hung heavy in the air, as scantily clad women gyrated against one another, their eyes searching for their next conquest.
