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I lifted our combined hands and kissed the back of her hand. “Come sit down.”

I led her over to the couch and maneuvered her in between Ghost and me.

Ghost rested his hand possessively on her thigh. “Hey, bunny. Your boyfriend and I were just having a nice chat.”

Chapter 21


My heart pounded as I sat wedged between Greyson and Ghost on the couch, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. Greyson had just dropped a huge bombshell on me. Ghost was the man he’d been attracted to for years, the man he couldn’t get out of his thoughts, the man that had come between our relationship, but Ghost didn’t even know how Grey felt about him. And somehow, I managed to fall in love with Greyson and then sleep with the man that he had those deep feelings for.

Ghost sighed, running a hand through his tousled blond hair. “Well, this is awkward.”

He wasn’t wrong, and he didn’t even know the whole truth. I didn’t know where to look or what to do. I clasped my hands in my lap to keep them from trembling.

Grey shifted beside me, the heat of his thigh pressing into mine. “Doesn’t have to be.” His gravelly voice sent a thrill down my spine.

I bit my lip, arousal warring with guilt in my gut. How had I gotten into this mess?

Grey reached over, grasping my chin and turning my face toward his. “We could share.”

Share? My heart stuttered at the implication, and I couldn’t hold back a soft moan. As wrong as it was, the thought of being with them both made me wet.

Ghost growled, low and hungry, his arm snaking around my waist. “What do you say, bunny? Want to be ours tonight?”

I knew this was a mistake. Knew I would only end up hurt. But as Grey nuzzled my neck and Ghost’s hand slid up my thigh, desire overruled reason.

I tangled my fingers in Grey’s hair, letting him soothe my nerves with a searing kiss before turning to Ghost.

“I—“ I swallowed. “I’ve never done anything like this. I don’t know how.”

Their answering grins were all teeth, two wolves who had just caught their prey. Tonight, I would be devoured, and I wasn’t sure if I should run now or give in to my dark desires.

But before I could make a decision, Ghost’s lips were on mine, his tongue exploring my mouth. Grey’s hand slid up my thigh, his fingers inching closer to the wetness between my legs. Somehow, between two sets of hands, my shirt came off, followed quickly by my bra.

The moment fingers pinched my aching nipples, I was completely submerged in pleasure. My body responded to their touches eagerly, pushing me into a state of delirium as I felt lips and hands glide over my sensitive skin. My breath came faster until all I wanted was to surrender to the pleasure driving me wild.

“Lift.” It was Greyson who was taking charge — who was now tugging down my jeans and panties until I was completely naked and trembling with desire.

I gasped as both of their hands moved down my body at once, teasing and stroking until I was panting for more. Ghost leaned in closer, his teeth grazing my neck while Greyson shifted lower to lick and suck at my nipples in turn. My breathing grew erratic as they explored every inch of me with their eager mouths, each touch sending pleasure shooting through me like an electric current.

My legs went limp, and I leaned back against Greyson’s chest, his hands moving around my waist as he pulled me into his lap. His hard cock pressing against my ass sent a jolt of pleasure through me, and I moaned in response.

Greyson chuckled, the sound vibrating through me. He whispered close to my ear, “How many times are we going to make you come tonight, Rems?”

I let out a soft moan of pleasure as my head fell back against his shoulder, my back arching into his touch. Grey’s hands cupped my breasts, his thumbs tracing circles around my nipples.

Greyson tugged at my stiff nipple with his fingers. “Open your eyes, Rems.”

My eyelids slowly peeled apart, and I felt a million tiny wings take off in my stomach as Ghost’s figure came into focus. He stood back, taking in the sight of me completely unguarded and vulnerable, exposed for him to lay eyes upon. Greyson glided his fingertips down my sides, leaving an electrifying trail that caused me to gasp with pleasure. His hands ventured southward, hovering over my hips before coasting around them and settling on the inside of my thighs.

With gentle forcefulness, he parted my legs, forcing them to stay in the V shape that invited Ghost into our intimate moment. My arousal was now unmistakable; I could feel the heat radiating between my thighs and knew that the slickness would be glistening, as Ghost’s eyes raked over my pussy.

Grey pulled my arms back and held me in a locked position. “Fuck her with your tongue, Parker,” he commanded.

Obeying his orders, Ghost spread my legs wider and eagerly dove between them to feast. His tongue was a ravenous beast, searching out every inch of my flesh and seeking to bring me pleasure with each slow, tantalizing stroke. He licked, sucked, and teased all the sensitive spots that drove me wild while Greyson fondled my breasts and pressed featherlight kisses against the nape of my neck. My hips began to rock in time to Ghost’s licking as I moaned and shuddered, unable to contain the orgasmic bliss that coursed through each nerve ending.

Grey’s voice was raspy and dripping with lust. “Eyes open, Rems. I want to watch you come.”
