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He was gritting his teeth, jaw twitching, as he attempted to maintain his composure. “What do you mean? It sure as hell felt like you were a part of it last night.”

“You want me to be the third wheel in your cozy little relationship? Your boy toy?” I spat out the words with a sneer, crossing my arms over my chest defensively.

He stepped closer, and I flinched, taken aback by the intensity of his gaze. “That’s not what I want. Not at all. I want more, Parker.”

What did it even mean? My heart raced as a tightness twisted in my chest. Each breath became shallow as my anxiety escalated. I turned away from his scrutinizing gaze. “We’re finished here, Durant.”

I turned on the shower, dropped my towel, and stepped under the spray even though the water was still ice cold. Greyson remained fixed to the spot for a few seconds, but then he turned and left the bathroom. As the door clicked shut, there was a palpable shift in the air. Relief washed over me, but there was also disappointment so thick it felt like honey in my throat.

I tried to clear my mind as the water, now hot, streamed over my body, washing away the remnants of last night’s pleasures. I braced my hands on the tiled wall, letting the spray massage my sore muscles. Last night’s twisted fantasy and my sexual attraction to Greyson had left me uneasy. Dark memories from my past were lingering like shadows in the corners of my mind. If I let them in, I might not survive. I remained rooted, looking up at the showerhead for a full five minutes, trying to find my way back to the numbness.

Remi slipped into the shower behind me, her delicate hands gliding over my hips. I turned to face her, drawing her into my arms. Surprisingly, her presence filled me with a sense of peace and comfort amidst my chaotic emotions. She tilted her head up, her lips seeking mine. I gave her a slow, deep kiss, savoring the warmth and softness of her mouth.

“Where’s Grey?” I asked, pulling back just enough to look into her eyes.

She sighed, leaning her forehead against mine. “He left. He sent me in here. Told me we needed to talk.”

Grey was really pushing this thing, and I wasn’t sure why. “About what?”

“Us. This thing between the three of us.” She lifted her gaze to meet mine. “I don’t know what we’re doing here, Ghost. Where is this going? Is there even a three of us?”

I exhaled, raking a hand through my wet hair. “I don’t know.”

Is that what she wanted? A relationship between the three of us? One where Greyson and I shared her? And why would I even consider that arrangement? I was too out of my mind to even consider it right now.

Sleeping next to Grey — hell, just kissing him — had brought back some bad memories that could drown me if I let them.

The memories flickered — a grown man with a sick smile, the smell of alcohol on his breath, another man stroking his dick as he slipped into my bed. And maybe just as damaging, the memory of my father calling me a faggot afterward and taunting me that I liked it.

I shook my head, banishing the ghosts that haunted me. “I’ve got issues, bunny. The past makes it hard to move forward sometimes.”

“Ghost...” Remi whispered, her eyes full of empathy and sorrow. “I know you went through a lot. I hope you know that I’m always here for you — no matter what happens.”

“Thanks, bunny,” I murmured. “I’m just not in a great headspace right now.”

She looked up at me with wide, expressive eyes full of emotion. “Don’t overthink this too much. Follow what your heart is telling you. I know we have a connection. I can feel it. But, you and Grey? It’s there. I witnessed it last night. It kind of scares me, to be honest.”

My brow wrinkled as I tried to figure out her meaning. “What do you mean?”

Remi smoothed her palm over my heart in a comforting caress. “There’s something tangible between you two. You light up around him. And, Grey? Well, he feels it, too. And... I feel out of my depth here. You and Grey are so worldly, so experienced. You’re both celebrities and I’m just me — nobody special. Why would you even want me in the equation?”

“Don’t say that.” I tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet my eyes. “You’re special to me.” My thumb brushed over her lower lip. “To both of us. Never doubt that.”

She shrugged her shoulder a little and I could tell she didn’t fully believe what I told her. Did she think Greyson and I were going to run off together and leave her behind? It was laughable.

“Remi, I’m the outsider here. I don’t know what Greyson wants from me. Does he think the only way he can hang onto you is to include me? I don’t get him or what he’s up to.”

She leaned her forehead on my chest. “Wow, what a mess this is! You feel like an outsider? That’s not what Greyson or I think. Or want.”

I slid my hands around her back and pulled her closer to my body. She fit perfectly in my arms. “I’m not the outsider that you brought in to spice up your sex life?”

“No!” she gasped. “Is that what you think?”

I chuckled. “Not really. But I barely know Greyson. Why would he even let you near me? I just don’t get it.”

She ran her hands up my chest and suddenly I was extremely aware of her wet, naked body and her lush curves pressed up against me.

“You should talk to him, Ghost. That’s for Greyson to tell you. Just like I think you should tell Greyson about your past, but that’s all up to you.”
