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For a moment, the ghosts retreated, fading into the shadows. Right now, there was only Remi — and the solace I found in her arms.

As she pulled away and began to gather her clothes from the bedroom floor, I wondered if she was right. Maybe I was too damaged to ever truly find happiness. Had my past experiences broken me too much, or was there a tiny glimmer of hope that I was strong enough to overcome it?

She slipped into the bathroom and once she was out of sight, my doubts returned. She was scurrying off to see Greyson. A hollow ache settled in the pit of my stomach. I was going to lose her for good.

I jumped out of bed and pulled on my discarded jeans that were laying on the floor. I paced the confines of my room like a caged animal, restless energy thrumming through my veins. Every instinct screamed at me to go after Remi, to stake my claim before it was too late.

With a grunt of frustration, I slammed my fist into the wall. Pain exploded across my knuckles, shards of plaster crumbling to the floor — but the physical ache was nothing compared to the maelstrom of emotions raging inside me.

Jealousy. Longing. A bone-deep fear I couldn’t name.

They warred within me, shredding my self-control until all I could think about was Remi and Grey. Remi in Grey’s arms, giving herself to him freely in all the ways she never would to me. I couldn’t bear it. Couldn’t stand the thought of her with someone else, especially Greyson. Just thinking about him stirred something dark in me.

The darkness swelled, blotting out reason and logic until there was nothing left but savage, primal need. I had to claim her, mark her, sink deep inside her tight, wet heat.

And I couldn’t even acknowledge to myself what I wanted from Greyson. It was too much. The force of my desires was scary. I needed a Valium or two to calm down these out-of-control feelings. I started searching through my bag, but the bathroom door opened. It was too late. I didn’t want her to see me popping pills. Not after that night.

Remi emerged from the bathroom, more put together than she was before. “I’m meeting Greyson for breakfast. Do you have time to come with me?”

I shoved aside the flare of jealousy at the mention of his name.

“We have time for something else,” I said, pitching my voice low and rough. I reached for her, pulling her close. She went willingly, molding herself against me with a soft sigh. “He can wait a little longer.”

My hands slid down to cup her ass, kneading the firm flesh as I ground my hips against hers. She gasped, eyes fluttering shut, and heat licked through me.

“Ghost...” The word was a breathy moan, full of longing and need.

I took her mouth in a bruising kiss, thrusting my tongue between her lips to claim what was mine. She responded on instinct, clinging to me as she opened for the kiss.

I broke the kiss, nuzzling along her jaw as I caught my breath. Her pulse raced under my lips, matching the frantic beat of my heart.

“Stay,” I said again, tightening my grip on her. She made a soft sound of protest, pushing at my chest, though there was no real conviction behind it.

“You know I can’t.” Her words were for my benefit, not hers. We both knew she would give in if I asked again. “Greyson is expecting me, and the bus—“

“Fuck the bus,” I growled, fisting a hand in her hair to tilt her head back. I stared down into eyes dark with desire, seeing my own need reflected in their depths. “And fuck Greyson. You’re mine, Remi. You belong to me.”

She sucked in a sharp breath, trembling in my arms. I watched emotions war across her face: desire, longing, indecision, fear. When she spoke again, her voice was a thread of sound.

“What are you saying?”

I pressed my lips to the pulse in her throat, feeling it jump under my mouth. “You know exactly what I’m saying.”

She shook her head in denial, but she didn’t pull away. Couldn’t pull away.

I gentled my grip, brushing a soft kiss over her mouth. “Tell Greyson I said goodbye. Then come back to me. Be with me tonight.”

“I will.” She cupped my face in her hands, staring into my eyes. “Grey will be upset that you didn’t come to breakfast, but I’ll tell him you said goodbye.”

When the door clicked shut behind her, I was all alone with my throbbing fist. Worse, I was alone with the thought that she might never return.

Chapter 23


I sat at the restaurant, my fingers tracing the grooves in the wooden table as I waited for Remi. My mind drifted to the night before, to tangled limbs and heated breaths, and I shuddered. Images from our threesome with Ghost flooded my mind — his tattooed skin glistening under the dim light, the way he looked into my eyes right before he kissed me, the intoxicating scent of sweat and lust that hung thick in the air.

After so many years of wanting Ghost, of aching for a single touch or a single scrap of attention from him, I’d had him. I’d had his seductive energy turned on me. For just a moment, it was all mine. Having Remi with me made it a hundred times better.
