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The thought of her leaving made my chest ache. I didn’t know how I’d go back to the way things were before. If I even could.

Remi tilted her head up, her hair spilling over my arm. “Who says it has to?”

I searched her gaze. Her eyes were clear and steady, filled with a warmth that loosened the knot in my chest.

“I want this, Ghost,” she said softly. “I want you. All of you.”

My heart swelled at her words, a surge of possessiveness and protectiveness sweeping through me. I caught her mouth in a searing kiss, rolling her under me to settle between her thighs.

She was already wet and ready, her body as eager for mine as I was for hers. A few moments later, after sliding on a condom as quickly as I could, I sank into her in one smooth stroke, swallowing her gasp with my kiss.

We moved together unhurriedly, without urgency, simply enjoying the connection between us. The tension built in my body, slowly escalating with each thrust of my hips. I could feel the hot pleasurable energy gathering in the tip of my spine before radiating outward through my veins like a hurricane. My balls tightened as the explosive intensity coursed through me. With one final powerful surge of pleasure, I let out a deep guttural grunt and released into her.

In the aftermath, I held her close, unwilling to withdraw from the warm cradle of her body as we drifted back to sleep.

When I woke again, I stroked Remi’s hair, watching as she slept curled against me. Her features were relaxed and soft in slumber, lips curved in a faint smile. It made something warm and tender unfurl in my chest to know I’d put that expression there.

But too soon, her eyelashes fluttered open, and she stirred with a sigh. “What time is it?” she asked, voice husky from sleep.

I reached for my phone to check. “Nearly noon.”

She made a sound of distress and sat up, the sheet pooling around her waist. “Shit, I overslept.”

“Stay with me just a little longer,” I pleaded, tightening my grip around her waist, not ready to let her go.

“Believe me, I’d love nothing more than to stay here with you all day,” she responded, pressing her lips to my chest. “But I have a video call with my boss at Hollywood Exposé at one o’clock, and I need to prepare. And ... I should probably be dressed for that.”

Reluctantly, I released my hold on her, watching as she slid out of bed and began gathering her clothes. Though I tried to hide it, tension crept into my expression at the reminder she’d be leaving soon. I’d grown addicted to having Remi with me these past days, and the thought of being apart filled me with an unease I didn’t want to examine too closely. Not only would we be apart, but she’d be heading back to L.A. where Greyson would be waiting for her. The thought of them together twisted a knot in my stomach.

Remi noticed my silence; she spun around and cupped my cheek, her eyes soft with understanding. “It’s only for a little while. I’ll be back before you have time to miss me.”

I turned my head to press a kiss to her palm, the warmth of her skin a balm against my lips. “I already miss you, and you haven’t even left yet.”

She laughed, a sound filled with affection and tenderness, and leaned down to kiss me. I savored the softness of her mouth, the taste of her, imprinting it on my memory.

When she drew back, her eyes were bright with emotion. “I’ll miss you too. But we both have responsibilities to attend to, at least for a little while.” Her mouth curved. “And the sooner I finish up my work, the sooner I can come back to you.”

I nodded, swallowing against the lump in my throat. As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. We couldn’t stay cocooned away from the world forever.

She hurried into the small bathroom to get ready for her meeting. I fell back against the pillows, listening to the sounds of the shower running.

As I lay there, the emptiness of the room seemed to press down on me, reminding me once again of the numbness that had consumed me for so long. But with Remi, that numbness was retreating, replaced by an insatiable hunger for her touch, her taste, her love. It terrified me, yet at the same time, it was exhilarating — like waking up from a deep sleep and finally feeling alive.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach — the fear that once she left, Remi would slip through my fingers like smoke, leaving me once again surrounded by darkness.

After Remi left the bus to take her meeting, my stomach reminded me that I needed food. I emerged from the back room, my muscles still tingling from the hours I’d spent tangled up in Remi’s limbs.

Ryder glanced up from his phone and smirked. “Well, look who finally decided to grace us with his presence.”

Knox leaned back on the couch, eyeing me with a knowing grin. “We were taking bets on whether you two were ever coming up for air.”

I flipped them off, but couldn’t hold back a smile. Remi had awakened something in me — an insatiable hunger that only she could satisfy. “Remi had a meeting, or I’d be fucking her right now.”

“Thank fuck we’re staying in a hotel tonight,” Ryder said. “At least we won’t have to listen to Remi screaming your name all night long again.”

I couldn’t keep the dopey grin from my face as images of Remi writhing beneath me flashed through my mind. We hadn’t exactly been quiet in our passion.

Knox laughed, clapping me on the shoulder as he stood. “We’re just giving you shite. But seriously, you’re going to have to fumigate the back room, or at least air it out before Summer gets here. Just changing the sheets isn’t going to cut it. I’m not dealing with her complaints about the sex smell.”
