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Ghost shoved me hard in the chest with the palm of his hand, pushing me back a step. “Just fucking do it already.” He tore his hoodie off and threw it on the ground.

My heart raced as I stumbled back a step. Sweat prickled down my neck and I could feel the panic swirling in my chest. What was he doing? Of course, I’d wanted to fuck him for years, but not like this. He was a straight guy, or so he believed, at least. “I’m not going to fuck you, Ghost.”

“Why the fuck not?” He growled, his eyes pierced mine, and the heat from his gaze seemed to curl around me. “You want to. I know you do.”

I shook my head slightly, struggling against the overpowering urges coursing through my veins. I gritted my teeth in a desperate attempt to restrain the raw and primal urges bubbling up inside of me. “Not like this.”

He threw his head back and let out a laugh, heavy with disbelief. The corners of his mouth were turned down, and the brittle sound echoed through the room.

“I only fuck guys who want to be with me. And, you don’t.” I said evenly, trying to keep my emotions in check.

He stared at me for what felt like an eternity, his gaze heavy with something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. His features softened and his body relaxed slightly before he stepped forward and brushed the back of his fingers against my cheek.

I didn’t have time to react. Lightning quick, he slammed me up against the wall, crowding me with his body. His mouth found mine again — this time with a ferocity and intensity that rendered me speechless. His hands gripped the back of my neck as his tongue swept over mine in a passionate tangle that sent shivers of pleasure up my spine.

Ghost kissed me with an aggression that left me gasping for breath. His lips were soft yet demanding, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. I felt lost in the sensation and completely consumed by the emotion behind it. He pressed himself against me, his hard body filling me with a warmth that spread through my veins like wildfire. His hands moved down my body, slipping underneath my shirt to caress the skin on my back and stomach. His touch was electric, and I felt myself melting into his embrace.

I could feel Ghost’s heart pounding against mine as he slid his hand inside my jeans, his rough fingertips sending sparks of pleasure through me. I gasped into the kiss and finally let go, surrendering to the overwhelming sensation coursing through me.

His hands moved faster as he frantically started to undress me, his teeth grazing my neck as he tore off my shirt. His lips left trails of fire down my body, and I felt myself trembling with anticipation. His fingers grasped at my belt, and then he worked the buckle open. I wanted to slow him down, but I was losing all control.

I grasped onto his shoulders and buried my face into the crook of his neck, shaking as he slipped his hands into my pants again. I moaned loudly as his fingers slid across my exposed flesh, causing every hair on my body to stand on end. My breath came in ragged gasps as I felt his hand fisting my aching cock.

I panted against his neck, my hands sliding down his shoulders to his arms as I tried to steady myself. “We’re not doing this.”

“Yes, we are.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

His hand moved faster, his fingers working my dick in a way that made my head spin. Ghost’s hands on me were the most erotic thing I’d ever felt. I could barely think as my body tensed with pleasure beneath his touch. He leaned forward to kiss me again, and I could feel the heat radiating off his body.

But something stopped me. I pushed him away, my hands trembling as I looked into his eyes. He was breathing heavily, with a wild and unfocused look in his eyes. Even when he looked so lost, an aura of power radiated from him. He looked like an angel of vengeance, beautiful beyond comprehension, but bent on destruction.

He was as aroused as I was, but he didn’t want this like I did.

“No,” I said firmly, taking a step back. “I don’t want this.”

Ghost blinked as if he had been jolted from a trance, his eyes focusing. He stepped back and ran a hand through his hair, looking away from me.

“Not like this,” I said, more gently this time.

“Fuck!” he shouted as he retreated, picking his sweatshirt up from the floor. “I’ll call Bishop and be out of here in a few minutes.”

My chest tightened with panic. I couldn’t let him leave like this. Not until he understood how I felt about him.

“Stay for dinner.” I pleaded. “Just to talk. My housekeeper left me a feast — it would be a shame to let it go to waste.”

Ghost stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. His expression had softened, and he looked almost relieved to be given a choice to stay. He nodded and stepped back towards me.

“Alright,” he said softly, looking into my eyes with a hopefulness I hadn’t seen before. “I’ll stay for dinner.”

Chapter 34


I stared at Ghost across the table, my pulse racing with a mixture of longing and apprehension. After that searing kiss we’d shared, I didn’t know where we stood. I wanted him with an ache that went bone deep, but I was afraid of scaring him off.

I cleared my throat. “So, uhm … how’s the tour going?”

He shrugged, gazing into the depths of his wineglass. “Same shit, different city.”
