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As matron of honor, Kaylie had the honor of walking down the aisle solo. She checked me over one last time, gave me air kisses, and then handed over my gorgeous bouquet. Finally, it was time for the ring bearer, Kody, to walk little Zoe, Ryder and Talia’s daughter, down the aisle, holding the pillow with the fake rings and the tiny basket of rose petals. With a bit of nudging from me, Kody took Zoe’s hand, and they slowly proceeded down the aisle. It took a long time. They would take one step, then Kody would pull out a single rose petal from the basket and hand it to Zoe, who would toss it on the ground. I was peeking from behind the doors as they repeated this process all the way down the aisle. The processional song had to be played three times.

I stepped back and straightened out my dress.


I spun around. “Dad!”

He looked amused. “Were you expecting someone else?”

My eyes began tearing up. “Mother’s here, too.”

“Of course she is.” He smiled like it was no big deal. “I’ve already spoken with her. And I’ve met On-Ree, too. Poor chap.”

I laughed. “Thank you for coming, Dad. Even if I didn’t even know about all this.”

He locked my arm in his. “You’ve got a wonderful man in Bash. He’ll make a great husband. And he’s one lucky bastard, that I know. Now, let’s get this thing done before you start blubbering.”

He knew me so well. The music changed, someone opened the doors from the inside, and I began my walk down the aisle and into a new life.

Most of the ceremony was a blur, but there was a professional videographer capturing everything, so I’d have another wedding video to remind me.

I repeated the vows that I’d made at our first wedding.


I give you my hand and my heart,

and pledge my love, devotion, faith,

and honor as I join my life to yours.

I promise to always be spontaneous

and to cherish each moment,

to be willing to try new things,

to dream with you, to laugh together,

to be your biggest fan,

and to encourage you to chase your dreams.

And I promise to be your accomplice

in all kinds of mischief till the end of time.

I hadn’t watched our old wedding video again, so hearing Sebastian repeating the words he’d told me that crazy night put a lump in my throat.

I choose you,

Lacey Rae Davenport,

to be my partner for life

and my one true love.

I promise you my deepest love,
