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Bash leaned against the counter. “So, this is a nice surprise.”

I swallowed nervously. “I wanted to talk to you.”

His eyes flicked over to Kody. “Yeah. Let me get Kody finished up with dinner first. I’ve got some steak to throw on the grill for us.”

My eyes widened. “You didn’t have to do that. I wasn’t expecting anything.”

“No big deal.” He brushed it off. “And I know you’re a carnivore; you had steak in Vegas.”

He’d noticed what I was eating, even though we weren’t sitting near each other that night. Did it mean anything? Did I want it to?

We made small talk until Kody finished eating, then he set Kody up in the family room to play. He unrolled a kids’ play rug that had a city street design on it and opened up a large bin full of play cars.

Kody grabbed a car in each hand. “Yacey, do you want to play cars with me?”

He looked so eager; I didn’t want to disappoint him. “I forgot to change into my play clothes, Kody, so I can’t sit on the floor. But I can watch you play.”

I was wearing a navy power suit. Not the stodgy, buttoned-up woman’s suit that was boxy and baggy. I only wore tailored suits with feminine details and sleek silhouettes that hugged and accented my curves. They showed a nice glimpse of cleavage, and the skirt always ended well above the knee. There was no doubt that my suits were a sexy statement, but they weren’t the type of outfits that would impress a rockstar who had scantily dressed young women throwing themselves at him daily.

Bash looked me up and down. “If your work clothes are this hot, I’d love to see you in your play clothes.”

Heat flushed over my skin. Wow! Was he flirting with me? Just wait until he found out that we were married. That’d put a damper on his flirtations.

I sat down to watch Kody play while Bash went to the kitchen to make dinner. He called out to me from across the open space, “Would you like a glass of wine?”

“God, no.”

He chuckled. “Too soon?”

“Way too soon. I gave up alcohol. Remember?” I glanced over my shoulder. “But a glass of water would be great.”

I sipped my water while I watched Kody creating traffic jams and car crashes on his mat. He was a little chatterbox while he played, narrating the action and showing me all his favorite cars. He told me about his dad’s favorites and how his dad liked to drive them around the carpet, so I got the impression that Sebastian played this game with Kody all the time.

Watching Kody play while Sebastian made dinner should be the equivalent of watching paint dry. Such banal domesticity shouldn’t warm my insides with quiet contentment. I shouldn’t want to cuddle under a throw blanket and set up camp in Bash’s family room.

Kody had been playing happily for quite a while when Bash finally came into the room. “Let’s clean up your cars, Kody. It’s bath time.”

Kody started tossing his cars into the bin, and Bash knelt down beside him to help. It was impressive how Kody cleaned up without arguing.

Bash turned and gave me an apologetic smile. “The steaks need to rest, so I’m just going to give him a quick bath. He can play in the playroom while we eat dinner. Is that okay?”

“Of course.” I understood that he had to stick to Kody’s schedule. I shouldn’t have shown up here with little warning. Sometimes I forgot that he wasn’t out partying every night anymore; he had a kid to take care of. “I’m sorry. I feel like I’m disrupting you guys.”

“No. It’s not a problem. I’ll be down in 15 minutes. Make yourself comfortable.”

I kicked off my shoes and sat back on the couch while Bash gave Kody his bath. I thought about how Sebastian would react when he found out we were married. My mind drifted and wandered and soon he was back downstairs.

“Kody’s so well-behaved. You’ve done a great job with him.”

He waved me into the kitchen. “He has his moments, but for the most part, yeah, he’s a great kid.”

I stood by the kitchen island as he filled our plates with food.

“Filet mignon?”

He glanced up at me with a sly smile. “With garlic and herb butter. One of my specialties.”

“Wow. That’s impressive.” I’d never cooked a steak in my life, so maybe I was easily impressed.
