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“Fuck,” I groaned. “I love aftercare.”

I released her hand, and we spent the next few hours having non-kinky sex. It was as close to heaven as I’d ever gotten.

Chapter 18



Something was pulling me from the most peaceful sleep.

“Dad?” The sweet voice was louder this time. More insistent.

My hand slipped down warm, bare skin and I remembered that I was in Bash’s bed. It never got old waking up in his arms. Especially when they were such spectacular arms. I sighed contentedly and luxuriated in all of his naked, muscular body pressed up against mine.

“Dad!” This time, the voice was clearly frustrated. Kody was calling—

Oh shit! Kody was awake.

“Oh, my God! Bash, wake up.” In a panic, I started violently shaking his shoulders. “Kody’s awake. He’s calling for you. What time is it? I must have overslept.”

Bash woke slowly, his hand automatically moving to my breast. “Why are you—“

“Bash, he’s awake. He’s—“

“Dad? I’m hungry.” Kody called out again, but it sounded like he was heading downstairs.

I scrambled out of the bed and reached for my phone. Shit, it was 7:52. I was usually out the door by 7:00, before Kody woke up. I found my overnight bag and began pulling clothes from it.

Bash had slid out of bed and was getting dressed, although not as frantically. “I’ll go down and make him some breakfast. You don’t have to rush out of here. Why don’t you take a shower?”

I couldn’t find my bra in my haste, so I just tossed on a T-shirt from my bag. “How am I going to get out of here without him seeing me? Can you distract him while I sneak out?”

Bash held up a finger. “Hold on.” He walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. “Kody?” he yelled. “I’ll be down in a minute to make you breakfast. Sorry, bud. I overslept.”

I was busy sliding on some panties when Bash walked over to me and stilled my frantic motions. “Relax. It’s fine. Why don’t you shower and get dressed ... properly?”

He looked down at my shirt with a lifted brow and I realized I had put it on backward.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t know why my alarm didn’t go off. I thought I set it last night.”

Even with his hands innocently resting on my shoulders, I still felt a tingle of awareness. “Lacey, it’s not a big deal. In fact, I hate when you have to leave so early. Kody and I don’t have any plans today. Why don’t you stay and we can all hang out? Unless you have something going on?”

He wanted me to hang out with them? “I thought you didn’t want Kody to know about me?”

He chuckled. “Well, I don’t want him to know that I’m sleeping with you. But we can hang out. We’ll just pretend you showed up today.”

Of course, I wanted to spend time with Bash and Kody, but was that a good idea? Our friends-with-kinky-benefits arrangement was just a month old and already I was starting to have fantasies about our relationship being real. Hanging out with him and his son like a real girlfriend would just confuse things.

“Wouldn’t that just confuse things? Him! Confuse him, I mean.” Whoops, that had slipped out.

Bash didn’t seem to notice my slip of the tongue. “Nah. He’d just think of you the same way he does of Josie. Come to think of it, there is a bit of resemblance between you two.”

“The nanny granny?” I smacked his arm. “Gee, thanks a lot.”

“Well, you both drive me crazy. In very different ways, however.” He pulled me into his body and began nibbling on my neck. He spoke in between kissing and nipping my sensitive skin. “Please say you’ll stay and hang out. I’ll make it worth your while tonight. I promise, wifey. And then you can sneak out bright and early Sunday morning.”

Spending the entire day with Bash. And another night? It was a dumb idea, but I couldn’t bring myself to say no. “Fine, I’ll stay. I’ll go shower now. But I’m not leaving this room until you come back and tell me the coast is clear.”
