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There was enough sustained wind up high so that we could tie the kite string to the tent pole and it remained aloft, hovering high above us. Bash hauled at least a hundred buckets of water up to our area and helped Kody make a sand castle. I made some cool shapes with his molds and helped him with decorating his masterpiece by collecting some shells, seaweed, bits of driftwood, and interesting pebbles from the beach. I hadn’t had that much fun playing at the beach since I was a little girl.

Especially fun was ogling a near-naked Bash. When he plopped down on the blanket next to me after another bucket run to the ocean, I leaned into him and snapped a picture of us.

He laughed and then put his arm around me, pulling me close. “Take another one; I wasn’t ready.”

I took a few seconds to make sure we were both in the frame and snapped another. Without warning, Kody flew between us and climbed into my lap to get into the picture. I laughed. “Are you photobombing us, Kody?”

He smiled really big while I snapped another picture with the three of us. When I looked to make sure I got a good shot, I knew that it would be my favorite picture. Kody was a mini-me of his father. They looked so adorable together. And I looked happy. Because I was.

“You got Lacey all full of sand, bud.” Bash was hauling Kody off my lap.

“That’s okay.” I high-fived Kody. “We got the perfect picture. That’s what counts.”

We ate our lunch, enjoyed our snacks and a couple of drinks, expanded our sandcastle, and I had a go at flying the crazy kite with Bash’s help. It was an idyllic day that I didn’t want to end.

On the way home, we ate at a hamburger place for dinner, and then to top off the day, we stopped at a roadside ice cream parlor for dessert.

Bash carried a haggard Kody into the house when we got home. “Can you just grab the leftover food? I’ll unpack the rest of the stuff later.”

I collected the food we didn’t finish and followed him into the house. Kody’s head was resting on Bash’s shoulder.

Bash leaned over and kissed me sweetly on the lips. I glanced over at Kody, but it looked like he was sleeping.

He whispered close to my ear, “A bath for Kody. Then a bath for you. I’ll be back down soon.”

I busied myself putting away the food and straightening up the kitchen while he was gone. He came back downstairs twenty minutes later with damp hair and fresh clothing. “He’s fast asleep. I didn’t even get the chance to read him a story before he passed out.”

“It was a long day for a kid.”

“It was the best day.” Bash smiled. He pulled a couple of wine glasses out of a cabinet and then opened a bottle of wine.

He was freshly showered, and I was still sweaty and sandy from the beach. “Did you shower already? That’s not fair.”

He poured us each a glass and then took my hand. “I promised you a bath. Let’s go take care of that.”

We brought the wine upstairs to his bedroom. He led me into the bathroom and I sighed dreamily. While he was busy, he managed to fill the tub with a bubble bath and light a bunch of candles. It was so romantic.

I pulled my bun loose from its tie. “I have to rinse off in the shower first. I’m full of sand. And I hope you plan on joining me in that gigantic thing.”

Ten minutes later, I was settled between his legs in the tub, sipping on my wine, in pure heaven.

Bash was very gently playing with my nipples, but he killed the mood when I felt his warm breath on my ear. “No peeing in the bathtub, wifey. It’s a rule.”

“Oh my God!” I started cracking up. I laughed so hard that I spilled some wine into the water with us, which only made me laugh harder.

When I finally settled down, Bash put a hand possessively on my stomach. “Come to Thanksgiving with me.”

“At your parents?” I shook my head. “Uh, no. That would be too obvious.”

He sighed with frustration. “You’re best friends with Kaylie. My mother will just assume she invited you.”

“And what will Kaylie assume?”

He growled. “I want to see you. Can you come over here after dinner and spend the night?”

I pushed a group of bubbles around in the water. “It might be late. I’m having dinner with my dad and his girlfriend at some fancy place downtown.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll wait up for you.” He nuzzled my neck and then sat back, stroking my skin languidly.
