Page 16 of Pack Politics

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Nate and I climb out of the car and start to move in the opposite direction, our guns drawn. I can feel the anger roiling off Nate, his eyes darting toward me.

"Sorry," I mutter. "I had to separate the two of you."

"It doesn't matter," Nate growls. "What matters is that we protect Sloane and get out of here alive."

I nod, my heart pounding in my chest. We move quickly and quietly through the construction site, scanning our surroundings for any sign of our pursuers. I can feel the tension thick in the air, and I know that any wrong move could mean the end for us.

Suddenly, there's a loud clattering noise from behind us, and Nate spins around, his gun at the ready. I follow suit, my heart racing as I try to identify the source of the noise.

It's just a stray piece of equipment, I realize with relief. But the sound has caught the attention of our pursuers, and I can hear the sound of their footsteps growing closer.

"If we get into position, we can take them out," he says.

I nod and check my gun, feeling the weight of it in my hand. We move swiftly, finding cover behind a pile of lumber. I can hear the crunch of gravel underfoot, and my heart pounds in my ears.

"They're coming," I whisper, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of our enemies.

And then they appear, three of them, moving fast and with purpose. They're heavily armed, and I can see the glint of metal in the early morning light.

My head spins. They shouldn't be this well-equipped; these guys have been underground foryears.

How the hell did they get all these weapons?

But there's no time for that right now; it's time to fight.

Nate and I move as one, aiming our guns and pulling the triggers. There's a burst of gunfire, and the ACB agents are caught off guard. One of them falls to the ground, clutching his leg, while the other two dive for cover.

Nate and I keep firing, moving quickly and taking out the agents one by one. It's over quickly, but the air is thick with the smell of gunpowder and blood.

We stand there for a moment, staring at the bodies on the ground. The adrenaline is still coursing through my veins, and I can feel Nate's eyes on me.

"You okay?" I ask, my voice low.

"I'm fine; we need to go," he replies, his voice hoarse. "We need to regroup with Arjun and Sloane and get out of here."

Nate nods, and we start to move quickly through the construction site, our guns still drawn. I can feel my heart racing, and I know that we're not out of danger yet.

As we run, I can't help but think about Sloane. She's still hurt, still vulnerable.

And as a scream pierces the air, I know she's in trouble.

Chapter eight


Arjunleadsmethroughthe winding construction site as the sun rises, orange beams peeking through half-built walls and rafters. His gun is in his right hand, his eyes darting around as he takes me by the hand and leads me to--we hope--somewhere safe.

I can't believe how much these people have it in for me. I've been in office for months, and didn't have any idea that this could possibly happen...but now, the ACB wants to kill me more than anything else.

They want my head on a platterright now, and they'll stop at nothing to get it.

I have to wonder if it's just because of what I am or because of something I did. I search my mind for what their reasoning could possibly be, beyond my general legislative agenda. I've sponsored so many bills for omega rights that of course they would be pissed, but I don't know what it is specifically.

And I'm scared, because I'm starting to think they have to have an in with the Enclave. A double agent intent on getting me killed.

Arjun takes me by the elbow and suddenly pulls me into a secluded alcove, tucking me against the wall and blocking me with his body. I hold my breath and listen...and I hear voices in the distance. Not Nate and Milo, but someone else.

A stranger.
