Page 29 of Pack Politics

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Nate looks up at that, his expression determined. "We can help with that," he says. "We'll make sure she's safe and secure until the press conference."

Willa looks relieved, but Drea still looks uneasy. "But what if they come for her again?" she asks. "What if they try to hurt her?"

"We won't let that happen," Arjun says firmly. "We'll do whatever it takes to protect her."

I nod in agreement. "And we have some leads on who might be behind the assassination attempts. We're working to get to the bottom of it, and the Enclave is on our side."

Drea nods slowly, tears in her eyes. "Please keep her safe," she says. "We've all been through so much...she doesn't deserve this."

"Sloane is tough," Willa says, squeezing her mom's shoulder. "It'll be okay."

We're all standing around like that when Nate's eyes dart up, and I see Sloane come through the threshold. She looks at the six of us with a frown, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Something I should know?" she asks. "Are we just having some kind of hug-a-thon without me?"

We all turn to Sloane, and I can see the tension in her face. It's understandable; she's been through a lot in the past few days, and I can't imagine what it's like to deal with the weight of the world on your shoulders.

"We were just discussing some plans for the press conference tomorrow," Vanessa says, stepping forward. "We think it's important that you get out in front of this and make your voice heard."

Sloane nods, her expression softening. "Yeah, I know," she says. "I just wish it didn't have to be this way."

"I know," Drea says, coming over to give her a hug. "But we're all here for you, and we'll make sure you get through this."

Sloane nods again, and then turns to us. "And what about the guys?" she says.

Vanessa puts her hands on her hips. "Well...that's up to you," she says. "The whole world knows you're together; just a matter of how you want to spin it."

"We're here to support you, Sloane," Nate says. "Just say the word and we'll explain it however you want."

She bites her lip. "I mean...none of this would have happened if there wasn't an assassination attempt," she says. "I could spin it as a call for omegas to always have access to suppressants because we lose control..."

Then she looks at us.

"But I didn't lose control," she says. "I wanted to be with my I acted on it. And maybe we moved fast, but there were dire circumstances, and these men saved my life."

"So you want to announce it?" Vanessa says. "You're packing up?"

Sloane nods. "And if it doesn't work out, that's okay. We'll take it one day at a time. But for now...yes. And we'll operate the way a packshould--equitably. Right?"

She looks at all three of us, and I find myself nodding my head with the others. Of course it will be equitable--because she's incredible. If anything, she's the one who's in charge.

"Now...let's have some food," she says. "I'm starving."

Chapter fourteen


DinneratDreaAshford'shouse is downright cozy.

I feel so at home with Sloane's family already, even after Drea made it clear she doesn't entirely trust our ability to keep her daughter safe. I think she knows wewantto--but it seems like so many forces are organized against them.

We get a call from the Enclave during dinner, and Milo goes to take the call. He comes back and lets us know that all the Intelligence Committee members are in custody--and that there haven't been any sightings of assassins in the area of her mom's house. The neighborhood is crawling with Enclave agents, and the ACB shouldn't be able to get to Sloane.

Still...I can't stand the idea of her getting hurt after she goes to bed in her old room.

Which is why I stand guard outside the door.

I stand with my hands clasped in front of me, nodding goodnight to everyone as they walk to their rooms. Milo takes me aside as Arjun stands with his hands in his pockets, our voices lowered.
