Page 30 of Pack Politics

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"Tomorrow," Milo says, "we have to be on our absolute best behavior. The Enclave is going to come down hard on us...but I gave them a heads-up that this was in the cards. They don't like it, but they're ready to support us."

"They're really fine with this?" Arjun asks. "I thought they'd be pissed. I mean...what kind of precedent does it set for Enclave agents to get together with the person we're supposed to be protecting?"

"Don't get me wrong," Milo chuckles. "Connolly fucking tore me a new one...but he gets it. I mean, let's remember that he did the same goddamn thing."

"True," I laugh softly. " two should get some rest. I'm gonna post up here and will come get you to take over in a few hours."

Arjun nods. "Wake us up if anything happens," he says.

"You know I will."

They leave me behind, and I stand silently for a while. I don't know how long it is before I hear Sloane's door open with a creak, and feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around and meet her eyes, and find her with her hair up in a messy bun, wearing a rose-print silk PJ set.

She jerks her head.

"Come in," she whispers.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

She nods. "Of course I am."

Her scent envelops me as soon as I walk through the door, and I brace myself to make sure I keep my composure. I can't fuck her in her mother's house; that would be...

...I'm being silly. I fucked her in the ass while my friend fucked her pussy. I made her scream my name while she was in heat.

All my morals flew out the window when she asked me to come inside her.

Her room is on the second floor, and she walks over to a window seat where you can see the ocean. She beckons me over as she tucks her feet under her, gazing out on the moonlit waves. I sit next to her and she sighs, closing her eyes for a second.

She's so fucking gorgeous lit up like this. Even after everything she's been through, she looks like a princess.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She lets out a short laugh. "Fuck no," she murmurs. "I'm having a really horrible week."

"But you're still smiling," I say, reaching out and taking her hand.

She meets my gaze, her blue eyes shining. "I have a good reason to."

I lean in and kiss her; I can't help it, even though I told myself I would be good and not touch her. The kiss is more chaste than any of the ones we've had before. Her lips are so soft I can't breathe.

She pulls away. "I've been wanting to ask you something, Nate."

"What?" I reply. "I'll tell you anything."

She licks her lips. "The kiss in the heat was already starting," she says. "Would you have done it if not for my stupid pheromones?"

I frown. "I, I never realized how hard it must be as an omega," I tell her.

"What do you mean?"

My thumb grazes over the back of her hand. "Never knowing if men like you because of who you are orwhatyou are. But Sloane...I want to assure you that I respect you. Iadmireyou. And it's still early, day, I'll love you, if you'll have me."

She smiles. "I'd be honored," she says.

It hits me all at once, how much she's been through...and also how much she's given up for this city. She's put herself in the crosshairs over and over again so that she can represent omegas everywhere...and she hasn't ever asked them for anything in return.
