Page 33 of Pack Politics

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"That's the last thing I needed," I mutter.

"For what it's worth, we already went downstairs and saw your family, and no one seems to care," Milo says. "They're waiting for you, by the way--full makeup kit and an outfit laid out courtesy of Vanessa. Not sure why they're in such a rush..."

"The press conference is in an hour and half," I tell him. "That's barely enough time to prepare and rehearse."

I pause, then, chewing on my lip.

"Any news from the Enclave?"

"Yeah...about that," Milo says. "Are you sure you don't want to sit down?"

I shake my head vigorously. "No; I want to hear it now so I can be prepared for questions when I'm on camera."

Arjun exchanges a glance with him, then he sighs. "It was three senators on the Intelligence Committee," he says. "They connected with ex-ACB forces and have been providing intel on you ever since."

"Who?" I ask, my mouth dry.

"Westerland, Montgomery, and Wallace," Milo says. "I'm sorry. I'm sure this must come as a shock."

Shit...of course it does. Iknowthese legislators; I've worked with them, campaigned alongside some of them. And the worst part? Wallace isn't even an alpha. Nothing to lose and nothing to gain by supporting the ACB...he just wants to control omegas anyway.

I remember Westerland talking to me on the floor of the senate the day Nate was assigned to my case, offering help. It was all a ruse to try and get me comfortable.

All I want to do is run and hide away from the people in control of the power in this city...but I have to reclaim that power.

I take a deep breath and square my shoulders. "Thank you for telling me. I'll have to address this in the press conference."

Milo and Arjun nod solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation.

I head downstairs to find my family waiting for me in the living room. My mother is holding a makeup brush and a tube of lipstick, a worried expression etched on her face. Van and Willa look the same way, waiting on pins and needles for me to tell them how I feel about the accusations.

"Are you okay, honey?" my mom finally asks.

I force a smile and nod, trying to push aside the weight of the news I just received. "I'll be fine. Just need to get ready for the press conference."

She hands me the makeup kit and Van gestures to the outfit laid out on the couch.

"I picked out something elegant and feminine, yet professional," Van says with a grin. "It'll make you look like the strong, capable omega that you are."

"Great," I tell her as my sister starts doing my makeup. "Willa...can you do sharp eyeliner and a pink lip? I want to make it clear that we can be feminineanddangerous; I know the media is going to pick apart my choices in outfit and makeup, so we need to be strategic.

"Hair down or up?" mom asks.

"Up," I reply. "I want to make it clear that I'm ready to get back to work."

My family nods in agreement, and we get to work. As Van helps me into the outfit, I can feel myself transforming into a different person. The makeup, the elegant outfit, the determined expression on my face--it all comes together to create a powerful image.

The image of a woman who won't back down.


Our time in the living room passes quickly, and all of a sudden, it's time to go.

I stand and smooth out my skirt, lifting my head and squaring my shoulders. I can already hear voices outside of the front door, a podium getting set up, the cameras clicking of the front of the house. We haven't bothered hiding the address; the media has been all over my mother's home since this whole thing started, and Secret Service has had their eye on her place ever since I was elected. The threats have been non-stop since I threw my hat in the ring, but it was never that serious until now.

And now...I want to make it clear that she's safe. That I'm not ashamed.

That omegas in power aren't going anywhere.
