Page 4 of Pack Politics

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"Of course, Sloane," Milo says with a smile, his gaze lingering on her as well. I've just met the guy, but he's a fucking charmer. "Whatever makes you feel comfortable."

I can feel the tension between the three of us as Sloane talks, her voice like honey and her gaze flitting between us. I want to relieve that tension, to do something to make her look at me like she looks at them. But I know that's not the point of this assignment.

I clear my throat, trying to bring their attention back to the task at hand. "We should probably get going, Sloane. We have a lot of ground to cover today."

Sloane nods, grabbing her purse and following us out of the office. As we make our way through the crowded halls of the Capitol building, I can feel her eyes on me. It's unnerving, but also exhilarating.

When we finally make it to her car, I open the door for her and she climbs in, the skirt of her black pencil dress riding up slightly to reveal a hint of creamy thigh.

My mouth goes dry as I quickly avert my gaze, feeling a heat rising within me that has nothing to do with the warm Solstice Bay sun overhead. I take my place behind the wheel, trying to shake off the thoughts plaguing me. Thoughts of peeling her out of that dress, inch by inch, until she's completely naked in my bed.

No, I'm supposed to be protecting her, not seducing her.

But as I start the car and pull out onto the street, I can feel her eyes on me again. It's not just my imagination. I risk a glance over at her and see that she's biting her lip, a flush rising on her cheeks.

I can't help but wonder if she's imagining the same things I am.

We reach her house in the Upper East Side without incident, and I park the car in the driveway. Sloane unbuckles her seatbelt and starts to get out, but Arjun reaches out and grabs her wrist gently.

My inner alpha fucking roars...but he's right.

"For now, always let us get a lay of the land first," he says. "I should go to the door. Can I have the key?"

She closes her eyes and presses her lips into a thin line, clearly upset. "I've been taking care of myself this long," she says. "Is it really this urgent?"

"Yes," Milo confirms from beside me. "The threats to your life are real, Sloane. I'm sure this is frustrating, but let us do our jobs and we'll get out of your hair as quickly as possible."

She sighs and hands the keys over to Arjun, swallowing hard like she's on the brink of losing her composure. I can't imagine how she feels; omegas like her have fought hard for their independence, and now she's basically been saddled with a pack against her will.

And I know I shouldn't feel this way...but I love the prospect of being her pack.

Fuck--I just met this girl, and I would already be willing to spend my life protecting her.

As we make our way inside, I can see the way that Sloane's eyes flicker over each of us. She looks nervous, but also intrigued. Her eyes linger on me for a moment, and I can feel the same heat building inside me that I felt earlier.

But now is not the time for that. We need to make sure this place is secure.

We move through the house, checking every room and making sure there's no sign of intrusion. Sloane follows us around like a lost puppy, her eyes wide and curious.

Finally, we reach the bedroom and Arjun nods his approval. "Looks good," he says, turning to Sloane. "You can rest easy tonight."

Sloane lets out a small sigh of relief, and I can see the tension leaving her body. She's exhausted, and who can blame her? This whole situation is fucking stressful.

"Well, I'm starved," she says. "Let's order some dinner and I'll get to know you three?"

Milo shoves his hands in his pockets and grins. "Yeah--that seems like a good idea. "Got a hankering for anything specific? It's on us?"

She blushes. "I couldn't put you out like that. You're my guests--"

"We insist," I say, glancing at the other two.

They nod in agreement. "Order whatever you want, Sloane," Arjun says. "We'll take care of it."

She gives us a small smile and heads to the kitchen to grab some menus, As she's flipping through them, I can't help but watch her. She's stunning, and her scent is driving me wild. It's not just her omega pheromones--though those are definitely affecting me--but there's something else too. Something that feels like...familiarity.

Since the Great Mutation, people have said there's such a thing as fated mates. I'm not sure if that's real...but if it were, I think Sloane might be mine.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but I know that I need to be close to her.
