Page 9 of Pack Politics

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I can't let him get away after what he's done to her.

He takes a sharp left down an alley and I follow him, my heart pounding in my chest. I can see him up ahead, but he's too far away for me to do anything yet. I've got to get closer.

Suddenly, he turns around and I realize he's got a gun. I duck behind a dumpster as he fires off a shot, my heart in my throat. Given that he used a knife in the house, I just assumed he didn't have a gun...but he must have used the knife out of spite or maybe to stay quiet.

I peek out from behind the dumpster, my eyes narrowed as I spot him up ahead. He's got his back to me, taking aim at something I can't quite see. My heart races as I realize that he's aiming at the open window.

At Sloane.

I can't let that happen.

With a roar, I charge at him, all thoughts of caution thrown to the wind. He turns to face me, his eyes widening in surprise as I grab the gun and twist it away from him. He struggles, but I'm stronger, and I manage to wrestle it away from him and toss it aside.

"You're done," I growl, my gaze locked on his. "You're not going to hurt anyone else."

He just snarls at me, his fists clenched, before lunging forward. We grapple for a moment, and for a moment it looks like he might have the upper hand. But then I remember Sloane's face, the way she looked when I barged in on him attacking her, and I make the decision that he'll either come quietly...or he'll die.

I'm about to bash his head against the pavement when I feel hands on my shoulders, and I whip my head around to find Milo.

"Keep him alive," Milo hisses. "We need to ask some questions."

"Fuck, of course," I say. "Shit, I just..."

But before I can finish my sentence, Milo lunges forward and shouts, "Stop!" I turn to look at the two of them and realize the attacker is foaming at the mouth, his lips parted in a grim, dying smile.

"Cyanide," Milo bites out, standing and raking his hands over his hair. "Shit."

"Where is she?" I ask. "Is she okay?"

"She's okay," Milo says. "But we really fucked up, dude. I can't believe he got in without any of us knowing..."

I feel sick to my stomach, my mind still reeling from the adrenaline of the fight. "We'll fix it," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "We'll make sure it never happens again."

Milo nods, his eyes darting back and forth between me and the open window of the brownstone. I can hear sirens already, coming to help Sloane.

"We will," he says, determination etched on his face. "We'll make sure she's safe."

I can't help but feel responsible. Sloane was under our protection, and we let her down. I can't bear the thought of what could have happened if we hadn't been there to save her.

But the thought of her safety is what drives me forward. We'll do whatever it takes to protect her, no matter the cost.

Chapter five



I can't seem to convince any of my three protectors that I'mactuallyfine as I'm loaded up into the ambulance, all of them watching the area around us. Nate insists on coming in the ambulance with me, convinced that no one can be trusted...

...and maybe he's right.

After all, somebody just broke into my house and tried to kill me.

He sits next to me as the ambulance speeds through the streets of downtown Solstice Bay to York Shore Hospital, where they have a high security wing for people like me. Before I can even question it, he's taken my free hand in his, squeezing tightly as the EMT at my other side applies a fresh bandage to the still-bleeding stab wounds in my arm. The EMT moves my arm to put in an IV--which I'm grateful for, because itreallyhurts--but Nate catches his hand with a growl.

"What's in there?" Nate says.

The EMT, a young beta, gulps. "Uh...morphine," he says. "That's the standard--"
