Page 17 of Lucky's Streak

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Evidently, what he’s got is far too important and he said would piss me off. Like what happened with Chelsea didn’t piss me off as it is.

I guide Chelsea inside the burger joint, the smell of greasy fries and meat permeate the diner.

“Have a seat anywhere,” an older woman calls out from behind a long counter with seats in front of it.

Chelsea walks ahead of me and picks a table large enough for all of us to sit at.

I pull a chair out for her and take the seat next to hers, resting my arm on the back of her seat. My brothers are sitting on the opposite side.

“We still driving through the night?” Griz asks.

“Yeah, I wanna get back to the clubhouse soon as possible,” I answer and look to each of my brothers.

“Good.” Griz nods and looks to Chelsea and back to me, leans forward and utters quietly, “We’ve got a tail, and it’s been following us since we left the clubhouse.”


“They could be just watching.” Chelsea shrugs, making it out to be no big deal.

“Chels,” I say, making sure she got the warning it was meant to be and look back to Griz, Scorn, and Shiner. “You get a look at them?”

“Yeah.” Scorn pulls out his phone and turns it toward me.

Chelsea snatches it, takes a look, and huffs. “That’s goon one and two. The two that took me.”

“Right,” I clip out and flex my fingers to keep from balling them in a fist.

“What do you wanna do, Lucky?” Shiner asks.

“We’re gonna keep going. If they try to take us on, we’ll handle it. Though I’m willing to bet they’ll follow us all the way back to Tennessee before making a move. I’ll make a call and have some back up when we get to the border. That way, if they try anything we’re all covered.”

“Sounds good.” Scorn grunts and leans back in his seat as the older woman steps up to our table, ending the discussion.

With a plan together, we’re going to relax, eat, and keep an eye out. If the men try anything, I won’t hesitate to put a bullet between their eyes. Getting Chelsea home where she belongs is my top priority. Once there, I’ll deal with the rest.



Getting out of the car, I stretch, so glad to be able out of the damn thing. I love my Charger, but it was one long trip, considering I had Lucky in the driver’s seat. He refused to let me drive my own damn car the entire way.

The whole macho bullshit pisses me off and we ended up arguing the last leg of the trip. That is when I wasn’t giving him the silent treatment.

Also, during the last stretch of the trip, we’d driven through Tennessee surrounded by the members of the club to ensure we got back without any problems. Though goon one and two stopped following about an hour before we hit the border, Lucky wasn’t taking any chances.

The front doors of the clubhouse are thrown open, and out come Storm and Meadow, rushing in my direction.

“The next time you decide to take off, how about you tell someone besides just me,” Meadow quips, making it to me. “I don’t want to be the only one to know you’re going anywhere.”

I smile at Meadow noticing Nines coming up behind her and not far behind him, both Calyx and Gavril standing there, arms crossed and looking on guard. Everything Meadow went through in her life, she’s come out on top. She fought for it and finally has the life she should’ve always had.

“I promise if I leave again, I’ll tell more than just you.”

“Your ass isn’t leaving again.” Lucky grunts and pulls me into his side.

I shove against him, still mad that he refused to let me drive. “Go away, Lucky.”

“Not happening,” he remarks, holding me tighter.
