Page 13 of From No to O

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“I’ve never met her, Jas,” Leo says, “but didn’t you say she was good looking? Kind of sexy?”

I nod. “Yeah. She is. How in the fuck has she never had an orgasm?” I mutter.

I’m embarrassed I stumbled onto her secret, and even more so that I unintentionally revealed it to my friends. Poor woman.

Poor Ava.

How the hell does she write a sex column if she can’t even come?

“Hey, um, Jas, I think maybe you should close her computer. We can go do something else,” Leo says, glancing at his watch. “In fact, I have an early morning call. So, I’m gonna just get out of here.” He gets to his feet like his ass is on fire.

Ethan clears his throat. “Yeah, man. Just pretend you never saw that shit. I mean, that’s personal, and I’m sure she doesn’t want you seeing it. Or us, either.” He joins Leo.

Jesus, it’s not like reading this will infect them with herpes or something.

I raise my hand, gesturing for them to sit back down. “Wait. Hold on. Guys, we’ve got to help her. We can help her. I mean, she’s my best friend’s little sister. If she’s on a mission to have her first Big O, we can’t let her just fuck some rando. New York is full of creeps. Just look at me.”

“What are you saying, man?” Leo asks.

If my protective instinct surprises my friends, it’s shocking the hell out of me. Who is this guy who wants to help some chick who can’t get off? How the hell is that my problem?

And yet… Andy is my best college bud. He did hook me up with this sweet apartment, not to mention getting his aunt to line me up with an interview atSports Inc. To say I owe this family a debt of gratitude is an understatement.

But an orgasm? Isn’t that above and beyond the call of duty?

Although I’ve been known to initiate more than one woman into the world of sensual pleasures. But Ava? She can’t stand my ass. She couldn’t make it more obvious that I’m nothing other than an irritant to her, like a pebble in your shoe you can’t shake out.

Ethan and Leo return to their seats, the silence in the room stretching on while we each try to figure out what our responsibility in the matter is. These guys don’t know Andy the way I do, and have yet to meet Ava, but if I ask them for help, they have to join the cause, right?

I mean it’s the man code. Or part of it.

This is some fucking delicate terrain, even though when I moved to the city, Andy requested I look after his sister. To an extent.

He also warned me never to lay a hand on her.

Shit, shit, shit.

“Um, well, Jas, if you feel you should really get involved, the situation must be handled very carefully,” Leo says.

No shit.

“Dude, I can’t get freaky with my best friend’s little sister. Andy’ll have me strung up by the balls. You don’t know this guy,” I say.

And yet, if she strikes out blind, just pursuing her damn O wherever she thinks she might find it, is that any better? This city is full of snakes. I know, because I am one.

“Guys, she has to write an upcoming column about her first O. That’s why she’s so eager to get it over with,” I say.

We’ve all had crazy work assignments, but I’d say this one takes the cake.

Well, shit. We were just three guys having our poker night, who are now suddenly privy to the intimate life of a woman we really don’t know all that well, yet have an obligation to.

I didn’t sign up for this. I will just close Ava’s laptop and forget I ever saw her instant messages. It’s none of my business. It’s none of the guys’ business.

And yet…

As the shock wears off, I have to say I find the situation funny—both Ava’s and us guys’. How absurd that we help her in her quest, which would leave any of us on the wrong side of a punch from her brother, Andy.

“Okay. We need a plan. Because we are going to help her. All of us. We can’t just let this nice, unassuming woman start fucking New York assholes,” I say.
