Page 11 of Pleasure Island

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The events of the past few days replay through my mind.

I had sex. With this big, savage man. Over and over.

Of course it’s a sin. But I don’t care much about sin right now. My plane crashed. All my friends and teachers, who always followed the rules, are dead. I’m doing what I need to do to survive.

And I liked it.

God. I felt grateful when he let me drink his milky liquid. I wanted all of it. And I liked how it felt when he licked me. After the painful part, I liked the waves of pleasure he made when he pushed his big cock inside me and pumped me full of his hot seed.


I turn my head to see Drake’s huge form lying next to me.

He’s asleep. I can feel the deep, even rhythm of his breathing.

I’m sore and I’m … sticky. I’m covered in his seed. It’s dried onto my breasts and my stomach. My thighs are coated in it and when I move a little, I can feel a small gush of it spill from my body.

Carefully, I ease myself off the bed. Drake’s seed drips in rivulets down my thighs.

I don’t think he’ll mind if I go for a swim, to wash off.

He doesn’t wake up when I pad quietly over to the door and slide the lock open. It’s easier to do than I thought it might be.

I open the door only enough to squeeze through, then I pull it closed behind me.

It’s a beautiful day. And warm.

I walk down to the water and wade in. Then I dip under the surface, scrubbing myself clean.

I take my time a little, floating under the bright sun. I look out at the water, scanning for any sign of … something. Some floating debris or someone else’s raft. But there’s nothing. So I wade back out of the water and start walking back up the beach.

Should I explore? Would Drake be mad? Should I wait for him or wake him up?

Lost in my own thoughts, I look up.

And I freeze.

It’s another man. It’s one of the others.

He’s standing around fifty feet from where I’m frozen in place. He’s staring, like Drake did. Like he thinks he might be seeing things. But also like Drake did, he quickly comes to his senses and starts walking—very intently—towards me.

Should I scream?

Should I alert Drake?

I decide not to. He said any one of the men would kill to have me. I don’t know if he was exaggerating, but I don’t want anyone killing anyone else.

The man who’s walking towards me doesn’t look anything like Drake. The only similarity is that he’s drop-dead gorgeous, again in a brutal, he-man kind of a way. His hair is longish and dark blond. He looks like, if he’ d lived a different life that didn’t include plane crashes and deserted islands, he might have been one of those surfie types who are tan and blond and have perfect bodies from so much exercise. This one, though, is a wild version of a surfer. One that’s muscular and hunts for his food and hasn’t seen civilization in a very long time.

His eyes, even from this small distance, gleam blue.

His loin cloth is sort of like Drake’s … but there’s even less of it.

And as he’s walking towards me I can see his cock is already hard, at the sight of me. I know by now that I did this. I made him hard with my naked body.

I understand better now why it would be. I’m still naked, after all. And he, like Drake, hasn’t seen a woman in ten years, since he was fourteen years old.

The thing is, I’m not afraid of this man.
