Page 8 of Pleasure Island

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He eases the round head of it between my lips and I lick the moisture thirstily. It’s good. I want more.

Drake groans darkly and pushes his cock deeper into my mouth. I suck on it greedily. Give me liquid. Give me life. I have never felt so feverishly hungry for anything.

I suck harder. When will he give me his seed? I suck on him like a popsicle, hoping for something. Anything.

Drake groans again. And then it happens. His cock starts jerking. Liquid floods into my mouth. Thank you. I drink it in desperate mouthfuls, swallowing the pumping, milky liquid. It’s not like water. It’s almost like food. A man-flavored milkshake. There’s lots of it and I drink and drink. He keeps pumping it into me, like he’s feeding me. It’s quenching my thirst. I drink all of it. I lick his big cock clean of every drop.

I feel a little better.

Drake seems dazed. He’s breathing hard. His broad, hairy, muscular chest is rising and falling. He waits until I’ve licked his cock as much as I want. It got a little bit softer when he was pumping his seed into me, but now it’s getting hard again.

I let it slip from my mouth.

He looks down at me sternly. There’s not just sternness there, though. There’s also something else … an almost worshipful amazement.

He walks over to the wooden bowl full of water and he brings it over to me.

Drake holds it to my mouth and helps me drink it. I drink all of it.

He brings me some dried, salted strips of meat. He feeds the meat to me. I take everything he gives me, wolfing it down like the starving person I am. He feeds me a banana. And a mango.



“Who are the other men on the island? Is it only men?”


“You were fourteen when your plane crashed?”

“Yes. We were on our way to a rugby game in Fiji, for a championship. Our plane went down. We drifted on a piece of the wing and ended up here.”

“How old are you now?”


“Wow. So you’ve been here for ten years?”


“You said there are four others?”

His eyebrows barely flick, in a manly confirmation, maybe.

“You’ve never seen other people? In all the time you’ve been here?”


“Where are the other men?”

“We all have our own huts or caves or tree huts. We have a gathering place, inland, not far from here, where we meet when we need to hunt or when there are things to discuss.”

It’s not good news that they’ve never seen other people. The island must be really remote. “Are you going to keep me a secret?”

He gives me that stern look again. I notice again his brutal, wild handsomeness. “Yes.”

