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Her eyes rolled as though the answer should be past obvious. “Because then Nate would know I’m here and I wouldn’t have been able to sit and watch you sleep. You can learn a lot about a person from how they sleep. You don’t even sleep with a gun. You are a very secure person. Or you don’t have a lot of people trying to kill you. It’s one of the two. I’ll figure it out. Also, you have the lightest snore. I found it somewhat soothing.”

He had so many questions, but he settled for the obvious one. “Why?”

She groaned and twirled around in the chair. “It’s boring in the safe house. It’s much worse since now we’ve got Asswipe’s team bunking down with us. It’s not so bad for me because it’s only me, Kala, and Lou in a room, but I have to listen to Tris and Coop complain about sharing with four other dudes who are used to staying in sniper positions for days. They do not mind bodily smells, if you know what I mean.”

He stepped into his slacks. “I do not. Nor do I care to.”

“The only thing that’s fun is the drama.” Kenzie grinned. “TJ is trying to get Lou’s attention, and for the first time in her life, she’s kind of ignoring him. He doesn’t even know she’s planning on letting my mom set her up. I can’t wait until she tells him. That was the shock of a lifetime. See, Lou’s had this thing for TJ since we were kids, and he’s been stringing her along forever. It’s not fair. She’s had one boyfriend, and I’m pretty sure he broke up with her because TJ threatened him. I think he likes knowing Lou’s always there, but I hate the fact that Lou’s letting her life slip by. She should be out finding the nerd of her dreams, not mooning after my dumbass cousin.”

He didn’t care. Or rather he didn’t want to care. The truth was he was kind of interested in Tasha’s family. But he wasn’t indulging in his curiosity. TJ and Lou seemed very opposite. Not that it mattered. Because he wasn’t asking.

“Why are you really here, Kenzie? And where the hell is Tash?” He should have been more specific in his rules. He could see that now. Last night he hadn’t put in enough thought. He was in a hardcore, if temporary, relationship with her. He got to make the rules. They’d only gone over sexual servitude the night before, but how could she service him sexually if she wasn’t in bed with him? She wasn’t allowed to leave their bed without permission.

His bed. It was his bed. He simply allowed her to be in it with him. That was the key. Always reminding himself that he was in charge and she was only here for the op. And he’d only held her last night because of his promise. She might have lied to him, but he wasn’t going to turn it around on her.

Yes, she’d placed herself in his care because there was no other way to get him to cooperate. Except there was, and it was rapidly becoming hard to come up with any excuse except that Tasha wanted to be with him.

“I told you. She’s talking to Nate and Lou,” Kenzie replied as though that should have been obvious. “And I’m bored. It’s a small safe house and the walls are pretty thin. Tell me something, Dare. Do you like listening to your parents go at it? Because I don’t. And they do not care. When I bring up the fact that they are old and could use some discretion, my father tells me I was conceived in loud sex and I should find the sound comforting, and it’s awful. So here I am. Do you like all your friends knowing your parents have sex to nineties hair-metal bands?”

“My parents had sex in an exchange of services for cash. I don’t think they listened to music.” He could be wrong about that.

“Dude, your mom was a sex worker? That explains why she would give your dad the time of day. I’ve been studying those files and I have questions. He’s an asshole, and he’s super not cute and she totally was. You must get your looks from your mom. Being pretty would probably help in her profession.” Not a single bit of judgment came from Kenzie’s mouth. Well, not for his mom. “Let me tell you, I wish my parents could be professional about sex. High school was hard on me. All my friends’ parents were doing normal things like protesting books that mentioned genders and hinted at anything vaguely sexual like a kiss, and my parents were like ‘come to the club and learn how to not get an STI or pregnant.’ My friends all got normal experiences like crying in the bathroom because they thought they might be pregnant from kissing their boyfriends, but not me. I knew how everything functioned. It was terrible.”
