Page 5 of Fragile Lies

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I’ve been staring at his text for the past fifteen minutes and finally decide to type out a reply.

Jax: Are you ever going to let me see you?

Lexi: What? Texting isn’t enough for you?

Jax: No way, babe. You’ve got such a big mouth over the phone, I'd love to see what it can do in person.

Lexi: You’re so gross. Why the hell did I ever give you my number? Huge mistake!

Jax: You know what else is huge?

Lexi: Your ego?

Jax: That too.

He sends a wink emoji, eliciting an overly dramatic roll of my eyes.

I know what you’re thinking,why did you start with this guy, Lexi? Didn’t you learn anything from past mistakes?Clearly, not nearly enough.

I had a few drinks the night we met, then throw in those perfectly carved cheekbones and that piercing blue gaze burning like the flames of the hottest fire, and I was done for. I’m embarrassed to admit it but I internally swooned. I don’t swoon by the way. Not since Aiden stomped on my heart as though it was nothing but discarded waste meant to be thrown in his trash.

Forgotten. Unimportant. Replaceable.

That’s what I was to him and I swore to myself that I’ll never make that mistake again.

But, the thing about Jax is, his charm is like an avalanche, and before you know it, you slip under its force—and you like it.

Jax: You know I love it when you play hard to get.

Lexi: Oh, big boy, I wasn’t playing.

Oh man, why did I just say that?Sexual innuendo in three, two, one…

Jax: Whoa. Keep it in your pants, Philips. You haven’t even bought me dinner yet.

Lexi: Are you always this original?

Jax: Are you always this sexy?

A tiny smile curves over my lips. I can smell the player vibe radiating off of him. I can’t fall for another guy who’s guaranteed to crush me. My walls are up, and no amount of charisma or sculpted muscle will tear them down. I won’t let him get close enough to hurt me.

Our texts are nothing more than playful banter. Completely innocent. It’s been a while since a man held my interest, and I can use a bit of fun. That’s all this is.

Lexi: Do you ever think about anything else but sex?

Jax: Not really. I wish you could see the things I’m doing to you right now…

Desire burns hot in my core, my toes curling, suddenly wanting to know every filthy detail.

I squeeze my thighs together as though that’ll help ease the tension. My body knows what it wants, but my mind isn’t so easily convinced.

I had never expected to meet anyone the night I met Jax. The only reason I was at the bar in the first place was because of Lilah. She called and asked for me to meet her there after a fight with Ash, her asshat of a boyfriend. And while I was trying to convince her to dump him, the bartender brought us some drinks and a note for her from Damian, a complete stranger from across the bar.

He noticed she was upset and wished her a better day, and what did she do? Thank him you say? Ha! No. She gave him the finger. I couldn’t blame her though. She was in a shitty mood from the fight with Ash.

When the bartender pointed to Damian, that’s when I saw Jax sitting beside him, plus another attractive dark-haired man beside them, who I now know as Gabe.

Arms crossed over his wide chest, Jax sat on a swivel stool as though he was a king surveying his kingdom. For a fleeting moment, our gazes fused in a tangled web of electricity and the smile he wore only a second before had vanished.
