Page 7 of Fragile Lies

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Jax: Except yours…got tips?

Lexi: Behave.

Jax: But it’s so hard.

Jax: Pun intended.

I grin, biting the inside of my lip. He’s always making me laugh and it feels so good to feel the warmth of a genuine laugh again. Too good.

Lexi: Do you still wanna see me?

Jax: You know I do. SO badly. My heart aches for you.

Lexi: Barf. Please don’t ever try your hand at poetry.

Jax: Maybe I’ll sing you a song instead.

Lexi: You sing?

Jax: Yep, but my talent is as good as my poetry.

Lexi: So, basically you suck?

Jax: See me and find out. How about tonight?

May as well get it over with.

Lexi: Pick me up at 7. Don’t be late.

Jax: Wouldn’t dream of it.

He sends a dancing emoji. I shake my head, a smile tugging on my lips. He’s so impossible to hate. I’ve tried, believe me.

I drop my phone on the nightstand and grab a pillow, holding it tight against my chest. A sharp exhale escapes from between my mouth. Just friends. We can do this, right? Don’t answer that…

* * *

I’ve changed my clothes ten times so far, but who’s counting? It’s been difficult to decide on the right outfit that says what I want: I won’t bone you, but I may let you kiss me.

I settle on skintight jeans and a white flowy V-neck tank with beige pumps. Still hot but more casual, for me anyways. I’m not much of a sneakers and T-shirt type of girl.

I still have to drop a few pounds, especially in my stomach, so I like how this shirt covers where I need it most. There was a ton of stress eating going on after I threw the ring at Aiden, and I’m still working on getting rid of the result.

Beep. Beep.The intercom chimes, interrupting my self-hating party for one. “Oh man, it can’t be seven already!” I happen a glance at the cable box. “Shit, it is!”

Rushing back to the full-length mirror, I finger my wavy blond hair with unsteady hands, then add another coat of mascara as fast as possible. My heart races as though I just completed a marathon.

Grabbing my beige handbag, I stuff my cell phone into it and dash off to press the button, letting him up.

Running back to the mirror, I give myself another once over.It’ll do.

The doorbell rings, but I can’t seem to move, struck motionless like a deer caught in the headlights by my anxiously beating heart. I have no idea why I’m nervous. He’s seen me before, so it’s not like he’ll run. And if he does, that’s probably not such a bad idea.

Closing my eyes, I take in a shaky breath, then release. A few quick strides later and I’m in front of the door, twisting the knob before I change my mind.

He stands there, arms folded against his black T-shirt hugging around his body like it never wants him to take it off. The thick muscles of his arms are on full display and I takefulladvantage.

He chuckles lowly. “My eyes are up here.” I glance up to find a roguish smile tilting up his mouth. “And just when I thought you couldn’t get any more beautiful. I was wrong.” Heat creeps up my neck and into my cheeks. I really hope he doesn’t notice. “Mind if I use your bathroom?” he asks, his eyes never leaving mine. It’s like they’re being held by some imagined magnetic force.
