Page 72 of Fragile Scars

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We hope this teaches them to never settle for anything less than what they deserve. Yeah, Lilah and I may argue as all couples do from time to time, but our disagreements are just that, disagreements. No one yells or says an unkind word, it’s not our way. Plus, the makeup sex is worth a little heated squabble.

Exiting the car, I take Quinn out of her car seat while Caden unlocks his booster and steps out. We enter the shelter as I make my way to Rodney, the manager, whom I met with just days ago.

He waves as he sees me. “You guys came. That’s great. I really appreciate it. Come with me.”

“Are you going to tell us what we’re doing here, Dad?” Caden asks, looking at all the dogs with a scowl on his face as we’re led to the back.

“Nope.” I drape my arm over his shoulder, pulling him into me. “Just wait and see, but I promise you’ll love it.”

“Fiiiine.” If I can be patient waiting for him to clean his damn room every day, he can be patient for me.

We proceed into a large room with cages all around. “So here are the kittens that you’ll be feeding today, kids,” Rodney says. “They’re about two weeks old so you’ll be using small bottles. Do you think you guys can handle that?”

“We can, we can! Oh my God, we’re feeding little kitties!” Quinn squeals. “Thank you, Daddy. I love you.” She runs over and squeezes my leg tightly. I pick her up, planting a kiss on her forehead before setting her back down.

“They’re so small, Mom, look at them,” Caden remarks, petting one who’s pawing the cage.

“I can see that, sweetheart, they’re so precious.”

“You kids can make yourselves comfortable on this rug right here,” Rodney says, “and I’ll take two of them out and show you how to do it.”

I wrap an arm around Lilah as he helps my kids fulfill a dream I had since the moment they were born. It may not seem like much to some, but it means everything to me to share in the tradition my mom had created long ago.

“They’re so happy, Damian. You’re such a great father. Your mother would be so proud.”

And as I look upward, closing my eyes, I whisper, “I hope so, baby, I really do.”

