Page 123 of One Last Time

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Carter makes the prettiest fucking sound - something between a whine and a moan.

"Five more minutes," he mumbles, trying to bat Travis away.

Travis chuckles. Removing the moose and putting him off to the side to be retrieved later, Travis shifts his body weight so he's suddenly the one on top, Carter's back pressing into the mattress. Carter grumbles something about being tired, but his legs open in clear invitation and his cock is already leaking precum against Travis's stomach.

They talked about this months ago, when Travis admitted to wanting to be able to take Carter anytime. Carter had said it was okay. More than okay, even. That he found it hot that Travis would want to fuck him like that, needing him so badly he's unable to wait for Carter to wake up.

He's unable to wait now, especially when his cockhead nudges between Carter's ass cheeks to find he's still wet and slightly open from getting fucked hard last night by his sir. Groaning, Travis shifts just enough for his cock to be right against his boy's hole and starts pressing inside.

He takes it slow. Easy. But he's relentless, never wavering or corkscrewing, just pushing forward until Carter's hole remembers who it belongs to and lets him all the way inside.

By that time, Carter is awake, his blue eyes heavy-lidded but soaked in happiness. "Morning," he whispers.

Travis smiles down at him, continuing the slow, steady rolling of his hips. "Morning, sweetheart."

"Oh," Carter gasps, his head tilting back and his body shivering. "There. Please."

"Here?" Travis asks teasingly, thrusting harder against the spot he damn well knows is his boy's sweet spot.

Carter just whines and nods, his fingers lazily stroking Travis's arms where they're braced on the sides of his head.

Feeling his orgasm already close - as it tends to be most mornings, his cock always impatient to fill Carter's sweet little hole - Travis drapes his body over Carter's so his cock is rubbed between them. The boy gasps beautifully, his hands winding in Travis's hair and pulling until their mouths clash in a messy, sleepy kiss.

There's no dirty talk or kinks or rules. Just the two of them, naked and sleepy and in love, starting their morning off their favorite way. Travis spills first, Carter falling seconds later. They tangle up together as Travis collapses to the side, his cock slipping halfway out of the boy's hole.

Carter wiggles his body until he's nestled perfectly in Travis's arms and releases a content sigh. They lay there for a few minutes, soaking in the happiness of the life they've built. Eventually, they doze off.

Carter jolts awake to his alarm going off. He fumbles for his phone - the task made difficult with the giant man that's wrapped around him - and curses as he cancels the rest of his morning alarms. He needs to get up now if he has any hope of getting to school on time.

"No," Travis grumbles before Carter can even try to leave the bed, tightening his hold on the boy and burying his face in his neck. Carter can't help but giggle. Partly because his stubble tickles Carter's skin. Mostly because he loves when Travis gets like this. "You're not allowed to go. School sucks. Stay here. Be my naked pretty boy that I get to fuck all day."

Carter giggles again before teasingly repeating, "Naked pretty boy?"

"My naked pretty boy," the man corrects. "All mine."

"Yes," Carter concedes. He releases a soft sigh of contentment and relaxes in Travis's arms. "All yours."

Travis perks up. "Does that mean you'll stay home?"

Carter laughs. God, he loves him. "No. I have to go to class. And then work."

"Nooo." Travis groans dramatically. "I forgot you work too."

"And then we have that thing at the big house, remember?"

The big house is what they call the house that the operatives - Travis, Maison, Jake, and Ace - bought with their own money a few months ago. It's on the outskirts of town, surrounded by woods, and has almost a dozen rooms. They bought it when the guy in charge of them all denied the rest of the survivors the same deal he gave Carter and Casey. Once any of the other survivors decided to leave the safehouse, they had to stay gone. No one was too happy about that, so a loophole was made. A new safehouse, run by the same main group of guys, decked out in most of the same security ware, Dr. Singh still always on call, with only one rule - no unapproved visitors.

Just a few weeks ago, the list of approved visitors doubled. Hunter's group of friends has officially been added. They're mostly in the dark on what the hell the situation is with everyone, but Carter thinks some of them are catching on to the gist of things. Especially Hunter. Which makes sense, considering Carter is about 90% certain the man is doing something extra-friendly with Nolan and Maison.

Tonight, they're having a dinner to celebrate Nolan getting into the local culinary school. He's been trying to play it off as no big deal - it's a small school, after all - but Carter and the others wouldn't hear it. The culinary school is impressive on its own, but when all the other progress Nolan has made over the past few months is taken into account? He deserves to be celebrated.

Carter has his own reason to celebrate. He finally figured out what would make him happy in the future, besides being with Travis. He’s going to become a therapist. That way he can help survivors like Dr. Singh does, with the bonus of actually understanding what they’re going through. He hasn’t told this to anyone but Travis yet, not wanting to steal Nolan’s thunder. He’ll mention it when the time is right. There’s no hurry.

"Is Casey riding with you?" Travis asks, getting off the bed and heading to the kitchen where he'll cook Carter way too much food and then pout when Carter can't eat it all.

"Yeah, we both work the lunch shift, so I'll drive him. You want to just meet us there with Jake?"

Travis makes a face. "Let's be honest, Jake won't make it a whole shift without wanting to check on Casey. Me and Jake will just meet you at the bar and we can all drive together."
