Page 28 of One Last Time

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“I didn’t think I’d ever get to sink between your legs again,” Travis whispers. “Spread them for me, Carter. Let me see your pretty hole.

Carter feels his face, neck, and chest flush. “I - I’m not clean.”

“Do you think I give a single fuck?”


“Spread them,” Travis says again, giving Carter a look that leaves no room for argument. Carter spreads his legs without even thinking. He fucking spreads them until he looks obscene. Travis grins. “Good boy.”

The words send heat up Carter’s spine, wrapping around his head until he feels floaty. He barely even notices when the man between his legs grips his thighs and pushes them back until they’re pressed against Carter’s chest, his hole on perfect display. Travis kisses his ass cheeks before nestling between them. He laps at Carter’s balls before dragging his tongue down to his hole.

“Oooh,” Carter moans, his toes curling as heat floods through his body. He lasts a few more seconds before sinking into the mattress in defeat. There’s no way he can squirm and buck and beg right now. It’s enough he’s still remembering how to breathe. Especially when Travis shifts a little, and his beard rubs against Carter’s sensitive hole. “Oooh fuck, fuck, fuck, yes.”

Travis chuckles. “You like my beard?”

“Fuck yes.” Carter laughs breathlessly. “Fuck. You’re not allowed to ever shave.”

The words cause Travis to go still. Carter closes his eyes as he realizes why. He just implied they’d do this again. That they have a future and Travis shaving would affect that future.

Carter should take it back.

He can’t.

“Please,” he whispers, lifting his hips in an attempt to get the man to go back to what he was doing. Emotions can happen later. Not now. Carter was promised sex he could savor. He intends on doing so. “Trav-”

“Shhh. I’ve got you.”

Carter isn’t sure if it’s the softly spoken words or the tongue back on his hole, but he quickly melts into a complete puddle. Well, most of him melts. His cock does the opposite, the damn thing so fucking hard it starts to hurt. Every time Travis goes from lapping at him to fucking his tongue into him to just teasing him, Carter’s orgasm draws closer and closer. His cock starts bobbing in the air, leaking onto his stomach.

“Please. Need you. Need you inside me. Now.”

“I am inside you,” the man teases, wiggling the finger he’d just worked inside of him.

“More,” Carter begs. “More, more, please.”

“You can wait.”

Carter groans, tossing his head back on the pillow. “Why did I think Travis would be any less infuriating than the other parts of you?”

“Infuriating is a common trait among my personalities.” Travis nips at his ass cheek, making him yelp, then licks at it until the sting is gone. “So is sadism. Complain some more. See what it gets you.”

Carter puffs out his bottom lip and widens his eyes, taking a risk to pout. "You said you'd be nice.”

"I did, didn't I?" Travis presses a few sweet kisses on the insides of his thighs before giving him a surprisingly warm smile. "Okay, I'll be nice. Do you want my cock in you now, sweet boy?"

Carter nods, biting down on his pouting lip to keep from begging. He'll beg if Travis makes him, but he's hoping that falls under the not nice category.

"Stay just like that, then." Travis slides off the end of the bed and disappears into Carter’s bathroom, leaving Carter needy and questioning. He stays perfectly still as the agonizing seconds tick by. Thankfully, Travis remains nice and doesn't make him wait terribly long. There's a small container of Vaseline in his hand when he crawls back on the bed. Carter's hole twitches, fully aware it's the destination for Travis's soon to be Vaseline-covered cock.

“I’ll never get sick of this,” Travis murmurs before pressing a kiss to Carter's lips. Carter gasps as two slick fingers push inside him, Travis's tongue taking the opportunity to dive into his mouth. The kiss is just shy of rough, full of possession and ferocity. His fingers are softer, teasing Carter with slow, thorough movements until he thinks he might go crazy.

"Please?" he begs between kisses. "Please, please, please."

Instead of getting Travis's cock, his begging gets him another finger. It's just as agonizingly slow as the other two. As Travis moves on to nipping and sucking at Carter's nipples, Carter whimpers and squirms and begs some more.

He cries out when the fingers are finally removed, hips jerking in excitement. Travis hushes him as he places his cock at Carter's hole and begins to slowly press forward. When Carter tries to move things along, Travis squeezes his hips and says, “Be good or you won’t get it.”

Carter whimpers and goes completely still, wanting to be good.
