Page 42 of One Last Time

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After turning the shower on to give the water some time to warm up, Carter quickly sheds his clothing and then steps between Travis’s legs. He reaches down and releases Travis’s gun from his holster, having seen him do it enough times to know how.

“Is the safety on?” Carter asks, his knowledge about guns very limited.

“Yes. Always.” Travis takes the gun back from him and rests it on the counter, pointing away from them. “But it’s always good to be careful either way.”

Nodding, Carter grabs the bottom of Travis’s shirt next and starts to pull it off of him. Travis lifts his arms and allows the shirt to be removed, then allows Carter to pull him to his feet and remove his belt. Just as he’s unzipping Travis’s pants, Travis closes his hands around Carter’s wrists to still him.

“This isn’t your job anymore.”

“I know. This isn’t that. I’m not stripping you as my sir. I’m stripping you as my-” he pauses, not sure what word to use. “As someone I care about.”

Travis looks unsure, but he nods and releases his wrists. Carter removes his pants next. Then his boots. Then his knife holster and knife. Then his socks.

When they’re both naked, Carter takes Travis’s hands in his and steps back, pulling him along. There are a few dark red specks around his neck where the collar of his shirt would be, and a streak below his left ear. Definitely blood. Carter quickly scans the naked man before him, looking past the good looks and focusing on any possible injuries. He’s perfectly intact.

“Why are you smiling like that?” Travis asks, sounding a bit nervous.

“You’re not hurt.”

Travis looks down at himself, frowning. “Nope. Were you worried?”

Carter laughs softly. “Trav, you’re splattered in blood. Yeah. I was worried.”

“Oh.” Travis winces. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t - I honestly wasn’t -” he tugs hard at his hair, eyes a little wild. “I just needed to see you.”

Yeah… Carter is going to have to get to the bottom of that need.

Just, not yet.

“You’re okay.” Carter grabs his hands again and pulls him to the shower. “Hope you’re alright with a tight squeeze, though. This shower has nothing on the one from the compound.”

Travis chuckles. “You’re asking the wrong person about being squeezed in tight with you. Are you okay with it?”

“This was my idea, remember?”

“Right.” He nods toward the shower. “Lead the way, then.”

“Don’t be bossy,” Carter teases. “Haven’t you noticed? Tonight, I’m in charge.”

Travis’s shoulders sag a little, his smile softening. “That actually sounds pretty damn nice.”

This shower is entirely different than any other shower Travis has taken with Carter. It’s not clinical, not sex-driven, not playful. It’s just slow and gentle and… loving.

At least, it feels loving. He can’t speak for Carter.

The shower is definitely small. Travis feels a little like a giant, hovering over Carter as the boy runs his loofah over every inch of Travis’s body. The soap smells just like Carter has since living in the safehouse – fucking cookies. It makes him feel mildly ridiculous, but it’s worth the soft smile on Carter’s face and the satisfied, loving look in his eyes as he watches the evidence of Travis’s latest sins wash away.

A long strand of the boy’s hair falls onto his forehead, making Travis smile to himself as he gently brushes it away. “You need a haircut.”

Carter laughs softly. “Yeah, I’ll get right on that. Who do you think is my best shot at a good haircut around here? Ace? Nolan?”

“Jake actually does a great job.”

“Of course he does.” Carter rolls his eyes. “If only I could rip him away from my best friend long enough to get him to do it.”


“Hush.” Carter presses a fingertip against Travis’s lip. “You’re supposed to be relaxing. Relax.”
