Page 10 of Drown in You

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Oh god.

Chapter Four


After setting eyes on the bruised and broken boy, I can’t get myself to leave the spot beside his crude hospital bed. I request some privacy once the doctor hands me the poor excuse for a chart he made. As I already knew, Casey went into mild sepsis just after I asked them to pull him from his punishment and give him medical care. His respiratory rate became erratic, his fever spiking and his blood pressure plummeting. He was disoriented and incoherent, and extremely dehydrated. He had infected wounds that have been treated. His hole was miraculously intact, no tears or prolapse. The drug they administered for his punishment is a new drug that just popped up on the black market in the past few years. It’s meant to mimic the feeling of liquid fire through the veins. It's driven people insane before.

I can feel the boy watching me as I read over every detail. Not entirely sure if he’s even coherent enough to understand what’s happening, I don’t speak to him as I set the chart aside and gently pull his fresh blanket down to his feet. My stomach curls as I see the damage for myself. There isn’t an inch of his skin that’s been spared abuse.

The bruise across his right side has me frowning. There was nothing about broken or bruised ribs in his chart, but I doubt they went unscathed with a bruise like that. I pull my phone out, starting to make notes about things I want the doctor to take another look at. I’ll have to be careful since I can’t give away how much medical training I actually have, but it’s worth straddling the line if it means this boy doesn’t die or spend the rest of his life disabled.

Casey coughs, then moans, his head slowly rolling side to side against the mattress. I look into his eyes to find them void.

"No. No, please," he begs, his voice a pathetic, crackling thing I barely recognize as human. His fingers scrabble helplessly against the sheets, his body trembling. "Please, make it stop."

"Casey?" I ask, my voice low in case we have any eavesdroppers outside. "You're okay, little one. You're safe now."

He whimpers, his eyes fluttering closed. When he coughs again, some blood trickles over his bottom lip. I watch it drip down his chin like a teardrop before carefully swiping it away. His whimpering continues, his body jerking against his restraints.

I grab a syringe and vial, drawing up the liquid that will put him into a blissful, dreamless sleep. I'm surprised it's even here as an option, figuring the doctor and DuGray wouldn't care about giving him any relief, but I'm glad it's in their stock. I push the drug into his IV and wait for it to hit.

The whimpers dissolve within seconds, his body sinking into the mattress.

"Just sleep, little one," I whisper, brushing his messy hair off his forehead. A sudden surge of possessiveness comes over me as I stare down at the boy.

The boy who is now mine.

"I'll take good care of you, I promise."

DuGray checks in just before midnight, knocking once before letting himself into the room. His gaze lingers on Casey for a moment before settling on me. "He's attached to sensors. They’ll send the doctor alerts and he’ll be here in seconds. You don't have to waste your time sitting in here.”

"I prefer to be in his sight. Every time he wakes up and sees me, it's ingrained into his brain that I'm now in charge. It'll take a while to break him out of seeing you as his master. Doing it while he's disoriented like this actually works in my favor."

"Have you studied the psychology of this stuff?" DuGray asks, sounding intrigued. "You seem to understand it so well. I think I'd benefit from that."

"All Master's would. I've just read some books, and of course I've been in the perfect position to observe so many different dynamics over the years. I've seen firsthand what works and what doesn't. Sometimes brute force isn't what you need. Sometimes it's their mind you need to rape."

DuGray licks his lips, his eyes finding Casey once again. I have to count to five in my head to keep from growling at the man to stay the fuck away.

"I'd like to read those books before my next slave arrives. Can you send me their names?"

"Of course."

DuGray nods, then - thankfully - looks away from the boy. "Well, I'm turning in for the night. I can have a cot brought in for you, if you're sure you want to stay in here?"

"I'd appreciate that, thanks. And thank you for the food you sent earlier."

"Not a problem." He shifts awkwardly. I already know what he's going to say before he says it. "And you'll be leaving soon?"

I force myself not to smirk at his discomfort. He doesn't like me in his space. Good. "As soon as he's cleared for travel, we'll be gone."

And the next time I see you after that, it'll be to kill you.

"Well, good night then."

I let myself smile this time. "Good night."

It’s not a good night.
