Page 204 of Drown in You

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I knew the fantasy couldn't last. The pretending. He could only be mine for so long before I'd have to set boundaries. Before I'd have to clarify. Before I'd have to lie in order to do what's best for him. I knew.

But it doesn't make it any easier when it happens.

Casey is asleep in my arms, his body pressed against mine as I stare up at the ceiling and soak up the feel of him being mine.

It’s subtle at first, just some squirming and soft noises in the back of his throat. I’m just on the verge of worrying that he’s having a nightmare before he shifts his weight and rolls his hips and moans.

I hold perfectly still, my hand frozen on his hip as he repeats the motion. Again. And again. His face finds the side of my throat, breathing warm puffs of air against my skin. Tiny whimpers fall from his lips, his movements speeding up. I let my hand slide to his ass cheek and help him shift closer, his cock nestling in the crease between my hip and thigh. He shudders and moans again.

“Please,” he slurs. “Please, please.”

“Go ahead,” I whisper, not entirely sure if he’s awake or not.

I get my answer when his hips stutter and his breath hitches. “J-Jake?”

“You don’t have to stop,” I assure him, knowing how big this probably is for him. Knowing how far this will set him back if it doesn't go well. God, this is going to kill me. “Keep going if you want. It's okay.”

He shivers, his fingers scrabbling against the bare skin over my ribs. “C-can I really?”

I use my grip on his ass to rock him against me again. Just enough to encourage, but not enough to force. “Come on. Make yourself feel good, baby boy.”

The filthiest, most beautiful moan falls from his lips as he lets loose, rutting against me like he’s a prize bull that’s just been released from the pen. His nails dig into my skin, drawing a hiss from me that I hide in his messy hair.

"Oh. Oh. Oh," he whines, his body shuddering as his movements grow frantic.

“So good," I murmur, running my fingers along his spine. "You’re doing so good.”

“Oh god,” he sobs, his teeth just barely scraping my throat. “C-can I? Please?”

I understand what he’s asking this time - not can he keep moving against me, but can he come. He doesn’t need permission, but his body doesn’t believe it, and now certainly isn’t the time to try to convince him.

“Go ahead, little fish.” I rub a thumb at the small of his back. “Come for me.”

One of his feet kicks out at my leg, a muffled shout vibrating against my shoulder as he buries his face there. His hot cum explodes out of him in powerful spurts, so much of it that it soaks both of our underwear and then some. He finishes with two more aborted thrusts before going lax against me with the softest cry and a full-body shiver, goosebumps tickling the pads of my fingers.

It takes him about five seconds before he tenses.

“No,” I say firmly, not willing to allow him to ruin what just happened. “Relax. That was so good, Casey. You were such a good boy. Don't let it feel bad.”

He whimpers, but forces each of his muscles to loosen. When he finally sags against me, his elbow nudges my erection through my soaked underwear. And he’s tense all over again.

“Ignore it.”

“But I could-”

“Ignore it,” I say again, almost begging this time. “It’s okay.”

He pulls his hands away from my body, tucking them against his chest and sliding his leg off of mine. “Is it - is it because I’m gross and - and broken?”

“What?” I turn onto my side so I can look at his face, my chest aching as the question really sinks in. “You’re not gross, Casey. Nothing about you is gross. You’re fucking beautiful. And sexy as sin. And I’m not going to pretend you’re not broken because you are, but I’m kind of sick of everyone treating a broken like they’re less than because of it. I’d be concerned if you weren’t broken, for fuck’s sake. Hell, I’m a little broken after what I’ve been through, and my experience was barely a sliver of what you went through. But being broken doesn't have to be bad. And it's certainly not permanent.”

“Is it-” he darts his eyes up, looking at me for just a second before dropping his gaze to my chest. “Is it because I was bad, then?”

I frown. “When were you bad?”

“At the party.”

“The…” I pause, realizing what he’s talking about. The fucking party where he saw Carter, back when he was DuGray’s. “No. Fuck no. Casey… are you serious, little one? Really? You think you were bad then?”
