Page 182 of Alphas with Hart

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“Okay,” I mumble sleepily, already sitting up in bed as Pax slips out of the room to go grab our son.

James is two months old, so he wakes up quite a bit still at night. Pax always gets up to change his diaper and bring him to me so I can feed him.

“Yeah, you want Mama, huh buddy,” I hear him murmur on the baby monitor and I smile, picking it up so I can watch my big lumberjack with our little baby.

Pax is the best dad. He’s so patient and gentle with him. I think he read more pregnancy books than I did when we found out that I was pregnant and he barely let me lift a finger for the whole nine months.

Gwen is the best aunt. She comes over every few weeks to visit with us and love on her little nephew. Reese is the same way, though we see him about once a month since he lives farther away.

They were both there for his birth though and stayed for a few days after. Reese made us a whole freezer full of meals that we could take out and slide into the oven if we were too tired to eat and I think Gwen deep cleaned every inch of the house.

Saint nudges my hand and I grin, leaning over to scratch his ears. He’s grown quite a bit in the last year. We had him in puppy training classes so he’s potty trained and knows basic commands.

James loves him and it’s adorable watching them do tummy time together. Whenever we set James down in his swing or bassinet, Saint has to go over and sniff him, making sure that he’s alright. Then he’ll lie down, but it’s always where he can keep an eye on him.

Pax and I got married in a courthouse ceremony with just Gwen and Reese there right after Christmas three years ago. We came back to our house after and invited all of our neighbors over for a reception. It was a blast getting everyone together and eating and dancing with them.

I quit my job after we got married. Pax knew how much I hated working there and was so supportive. He started volunteering with me at the animal shelter and he ended up redesigning their website. Now he runs that for them for free and we still spend a few hours volunteering every week, though we took a break after we had James.

We’re set to go back to volunteering next week though. The shelter is doing a big Christmas adoption event and Pax and I both promised to help out. Luckily, we can bring James and he can hang out with Dad in the office while I help out in the back with the animals.

Gwen is going to help too. She’s finished with her semester already, so she spent the week with her boyfriend and will be headed back here tomorrow. She’s going to stay at our house for Christmas and New Year and then go back to college for the next semester. It’s her last year and I know that she’s excited to start working and be done with school. I just hope that she stays in Sequoia so that we can still see each other often.

She moved off campus with her boyfriend. Pax offered to buy them an apartment or house but they wanted to do things themselves. I think Pax is used to dealing with stubborn, self-reliant women because he just nodded and said that the offer would always be there for her.

“Here’s your mama,” Pax says, grinning at me as he passes James to me.

I take my pajama top off, moving James over so that he can latch on.

“Do you need anything?” Pax whispers to me as he takes a seat in the bed next to me.

“No, I’ve got everything that I need,” I tell him with a smile.

“Me too,” he whispers, leaning over to kiss me.

