Page 70 of Dangerous Vows

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“Plenty of men say that. They’re all wrong.” I step close enough to be within striking distance, sizing him up to be sure the drugs have worn off enough. Then I rear back, swinging my fist into the side of his jaw with a pleasant sound of flesh and bone meeting, sending his face jerking to one side in a spray of blood.

“That’s for my own pleasure,” I tell him. “For taking my wife’s virginity. There’s more to come, don’t worry.”

Adrik reels for a moment, but he recovers a bit more quickly than I might have expected, to his credit. That’s fine with me—the longer he holds out, the longer I’ll get to enjoy taking out my anger on him.

“I didn’t takeshit,” he manages, spitting out a mouthful of blood. “She was happy to fuck me. Practicallybeggedfor it.” He sneers, curling his upper lip at me, which didn’t take much of the first blow.

I rectify that with the second.

My fist smashes into his upper lip and nose, sending him rocking backward—hard enough to knock the chair over, if it hadn’t been bolted into the floor. He doesn’t let out a sound, which I could appreciate—if I weren’t so fucking furious with him.

“Why don’t you tell me how it happened, then?” I ask smoothly, my voice deceptively quiet. “If I’ve got it so wrong.”

“She was lonely.” Adrik spits out blood. “Roughed up from what Narokov did to her. She was still recovering when her brother went off on his honeymoon.” He sneers at me again. “Any man would have done the same.”

“Except you cared for her. I’m told from men who have it on good authority that you were the one who carried her out of Narokov’s compound. Not enough for you to care about her from a distance, to protect her, hm?” I land another blow, as his nose starts to stream blood, more of it trickling down his chin from the split in his lip. “Not enough to just do your fucking job, without putting your hands on her?”

“Fuck you!” Adrik shouts, eyes blazing up at me. “She wasn’t even fucking engaged to you when we—”

Another blow, this one intending to leave him with a black eye later. “She was going to be engaged to someone. Whoever that was, you were stealing from them, and you know it. But that’s not even the worst part, you fuckingbastard.” I snarl at him. “The beating is just for what you took. The rest will come later.”

He reels for a moment, the blows starting to take their toll a little. “I didn’t take shit,” he repeats, spitting out another mouthful of blood on the concrete. “Iaskedif I could kiss her. She said yes. And everything that happened from there, she saidyes. I didn’t force her or coerce her. Shewanted it. And she wanted it every fucking time I put my cock in her after that, too.” Adrik sneers at me from a mouth smeared with blood. “Only place I didn’t fuck her was her sweet little asshole, and now I wish I had. Just so there wouldn’t be a damn part of her that you could have for yourself.”

For a moment, the world goes red. I lurch towards him, delivering blows to his face, his gut, slamming my fist into his unprotected balls. He finally lets out a noise at that, a deep, guttural sound that even makes Finn flinch, but I don’t give a shit about Adrik’s pain.

“I should cut your cock off for that,” I hiss. “For eventhinkingabout her like that, much less touching her. Much less—”

“I came in her. Did she tell you that?” Adrik manages the words between gasps, as he struggles to suck in air through the pain of having been struck in the groin. “The night she went to meet you at her brother’s dinner. She always made me use a fucking condom or pull out, but I wanted her sitting at that table with the smell of me on her. With my fucking cum leaking out of her while she discussed her engagement to you.”

He starts laughing then, rough, almost hysterical laughter as he spits blood directly at me. “She was fucking leaking my cum while she made promises to you in a goddamn church. How’s that for taking something from you, McNeil? I was still fuckinginsideof her while she was signing that contract.”

I think I black out for a moment, hearing him rant. I’ve never felt so unhinged before, torturing a man. It’s a methodical thing, usually—determining what should be done, in what order, to extract as much information as possible with theleastamount of pain. A man who can’t bear anything more will say whatever it takes to make it stop—and what he says won’t always be the truth. But a man who thinks he still has a chance, who thinks he can recover from the torture, who believes he might even leave with his life, will tell the truth.

All that is gone, here. I intend to leave Adrik alive and mostly in one piece, since I want him upright, conscious, and capable for the rest of what I have planned for him and my lying, conniving wife. But I have every intention of making him hurt as much as I possibly can.

I hardly realize what I’m doing until the pliers are in his mouth, fixed around a tooth.Thatgets a scream from him, when I tear it loose, mingled rage and pain in his face like I’ve rarely seen in a man before. He’s impressive—if only he were loyal.

Adrik snarls at me, an almost animal sound, as I toss the tooth aside. “Why did you come here?” I ask him, clicking the pliers together. “Why did you decide to follow her to Ireland? Besides utter stupidity, of course.”

“Because she’smine,” Adrik spits. “She was always going to be mine.”

I laugh at that. “She’s married to me,leathcheann. Even if she carried on an affair with you, she’s more mine than she’d ever be yours.”

Adrik smiles then. It’s an unnerving thing, to see a man who’s just had a tooth ripped out of his mouth, lips and face swelling from the beating he’s taken, smile with such glee. “Not once you were dead,podonok.”

I go very still at that. I hold up the pliers, letting him see the blood still on them. “You’re going to tell me what you mean by that,” I say slowly, in a deadly quiet voice. “And depending on what you say will decide how many teeth are left in your mouth by the end, and how many fingernails on your left hand. I’m only going to need the right operable for what I have planned for you.”

Adrik laughs again, and I can tell that we’re going to be at this for a while.

When I get back to the manor, and walk up to the master suite—I can’t bear to think of it as mine and Marika’s bedroom, right now—I find her huddled on the bed, wrapped in a robe. I can tell from her tangled hair and tear-streaked face that she hasn’t showered yet, and under other circumstances, I’d be aroused by the knowledge that she’s bare under the robe, still full of my cum from earlier. I’d cross to the bed and kiss her, pin her onto the mattress, thrust into her, and fill her up again. I’d fuck her so hard and deep that sooner rather than later, she’d be pregnant with my child.

But instead, it’s all I can do to contain my rage, knowing everything Adrik has told me. Everything she did with him, everything that she plotted with her brother. It feels as if I don’t even know the woman curled up on the bed in front of me. She’s the woman I married, but I barely recognize her.

Nothing she did with me was real. And now—

Now I have to decide if I’m going to remain married to her. How I’m going to exact her punishment, how I’m going to deal with her brother.
