Page 77 of Dangerous Vows

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He hardens against my lips as I swirl my tongue over his cockhead, lapping up the remainder of his cum, and I feel his hand tighten in my hair as he shoves his cock into my mouth. It’s not slow or gentle; he gags me with it, and I hear another choked groan that tells me another guard has lost the fight against the extended sex show they’ve all been forced to view. I can’t really blame them. I don’t think any of them were expecting this.

Theo fucks my face the way he fucked my pussy, in hard strokes that have me gagging, his fist hard against the back of my skull as he groans, his face taut with lust as he watches my lips stretch in the effort to take all of his huge cock. I see Adrik’s cock starting to rise again, too, out of the corner of my eye, but he never manages more than half an erection as Theo drives his cock over my tongue and down my throat again and again, his pleasured moans making my pussy drip all over again.

“Rub your clit,” he orders hoarsely. “Come on your knees for me, Marika, but not until I tell you that you can.”

It’s the final part of my punishment, and I know it. My hand slips helplessly between my thighs, fingers slipping over my slick, swollen clit as my hips arch up into my hand, wanting more of the shameful pleasure as my husband fucks my face in front of our audience, and as he stiffens on my tongue, I know what’s going to happen before it does.

He jerks free of my mouth, his hand stroking his cock hard as it starts to spurt, and I feel the hot splash of it on my face, my mouth, my tits, my thighs. I feel my own clit throb as I moan, my mouth opening on a cry of pleasure as another climax rocks through me, tasting Theo’s cum as he aims a spurt into my mouth, and then he grabs my hair and arches me backward, aiming so that some of his cum lands on my rapidly stroking fingers, making me smear his cum over my clit, the heat of it sparking another rush of pleasure.

Every inch of me is drenched in his cum. I’m painted in it, marked, his possession in front of all of these men, in front of Adrik. Tears run down my face not only from the shame of it, but from the fact that I’m still shuddering with ripples of pleasure, that as Theo squeezes out the last drops of his cum on my breasts, groaning with the sight of the pearlescent drops clinging to my nipples, all of this is turning me on beyond belief.

I’m exactly the slut that he claims I am. I got off on being spanked and fucked and humiliated in front of strangers, and if he did it again, I’d come then, too. I close my eyes, hearing Theo’s orders vaguely as he tucks his cock away, hearing the heavy stamp of boots. It’s not until I hear the slam of a door and the turn of a lock that I open my eyes and realize I’ve been left alone in here, covered in my husband's cum and surrounded by my ruined things, my former lover’s cum still puddled on the floor across from me.

The room spins around me, all the fear and exhaustion and the endless orgasms catching up, and I feel myself tilt in the instant before I collapse onto the floor, passed out cold.


Iemerge from the office to what seems like the beginning of a riot.

Nikolai Vasilev is standing downstairs, heaving, a bruise blossoming on his cheek, and a standoff happening all around him between his guards and mine, three of my men laid out on the wooden floor. He looks up and sees me at the top of the stairs.

“I’ll kill you, Theo McNeil.” His voice is ragged, a roar that comes out only half-shouted, and I hear the click of guns as my men aim at him.

“No, you won’t,” I say calmly. “In fact, I should have my men shoot you right now, for what I know you plotted. But instead, we’ll go into my living room, with plenty of security on either side, and we’ll have a conversation. And then when we’re finished, we’ll talk about who lives and dies.”

Nikolai looks for a moment as if he’s on the verge of attacking me anyway. He looks around at the number of guns aimed at him, as if weighing his options, and his shoulders slump slightly. He brought a force, but not enough to contend with mine.

Not when a chunk of his security is under my guard, too, on the verge of losing their lives if Nikolai handles this poorly. And I think he knows that. His sister’s life hangs in the balance, too. I can see him weighing all of that, and then he nods, his face set in angry, harsh lines.

“A conversation,” he says finally. “But it will end with blood, McNeil. How you handle this will determine whose.”

“A bold statement from a man whose thinning force is partially under my control and whose sister’s life is in my hands.” I motion for him to go first, to the door across the hall, and he reluctantly does.

When we’re inside, I walk to the bar at the far end. I badly need a drink after the scene that just played out in the office.

It tore my heart out to punish Marika, to break her in that way, at the same time that it satisfied every vengeful fantasy I’ve had since the moment I realized Finn hadn’t been mistaken in the slightest about what he’d seen. I’ve never felt so torn in two in my life, so horrified with myself and full of righteous anger all at the same time. I felt vindicated with every stroke of the leather, every thrust inside her body, and sick with what I was doing to her all at once.

I want Adrik dead, still, and he will be. He’s under specific guard, and I have a slow death planned for him, when I’m finished here. The rest of the security Nikolai sent, and Marika’s fate, still hang in the balance.

I don’t know what to do about her. I haven’t from the moment I discovered her lies. I don’t know how I can continue a marriage like this. With the lie of the contraception uncovered, I could still have children with her, regardless of how she feels about it. She could still fulfill her duty as my wife, bridging the peace between our families and giving me the heir I need. I know after today, I can still get it up—she doesn’t sicken me so much after her lies that I can’t fuck her.

But I feel like it would destroy my soul, bit by bit, to force her. Not even that the sex would be forced—Marika can’t hide her desire for me no matter what the circumstance is; she proved that today. But there’s a difference between her body being willing and her heart being in it, and I know what it’s like when Marika cares for me. When shetrulywants me. I’ll destroy her by what I would do to her, and it would tear me apart, too—because I loved her.

A part of me still does, even knowing how she lied to me. Even knowing she was plotting my death.

Or at least, she was complicit in it. And I intend to find out how much.

“I want your head on a fucking platter,” Nikolai snarls as I turn away from the bar with a glass of whiskey, before I can offer him a drink or a seat. “You’ve done enough to the Vasilev women. First my mother, and now what you inflicted on my sister today—”

“Marika put herself in that—wait, what?” I blink at him, taken aback. “Yourmother?”

I start to laugh. I can’t help it. It’s beyond belief, what Nikolai has done, and I don’t know how Marika would ever forgive him for it, if he dragged her into this based on that nonsense. “You’re telling me that you think those fucking rumors are true, and youstillhad your sister marry me?”

Nikolai’s face is pale with rage, his cheekbones highlighted red as he glares at me. “My father showed me the diary entries,” he says contemptuously. “He told me what happened, what the two of you did together. My mother was killed for your affair. Now I’m going to ensure that you don’t murder my sister for making the same mistake—”

“You were lied to,” I tell him flatly. “Your father manipulated you, just as you’ve clearly manipulated Marika. You Vasilev men are all the same, and I’m beginning to regret marrying her, and not simply slaughtering you and preventing any more of your filthy bloodline from fouling this earth.”

Nikolai takes a shallow breath. “You’re a lying shit, McNeil, and I—”
