Page 101 of Lorenzo

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Jake manhandles me into small room and shoves me into a chair.

“I get a phone call, right?”

“You’re lucky you’re even walking, bitch. You know what we like to do to cop killers around here?”

“And do you know what my lawyer will do when he finds out you didn’t give me my phone call?” I snap back, full of bravado and a confidence that I don’t feel. But I was married to a cop for nine years. I know my rights—well, some of them at least. Every nerve in my body is frayed beyond belief. Even my eyelids are trembling with fear. I killed Brad and I’m going to go to prison for the rest of my life.

“You got a lawyer?” he says with a sneer.

I don’t. But the Morettis do, and I know Kat and Dante will help me. “I’m sure you’re aware that my cousin is married to Dante Moretti. And if you’re not familiar with that name, I’m sure your buddy here can fill you in.” I nod toward the cop with gray hair and matching soul patch who greeted us when Jake brought me in.

His eyes go wide as he looks at Jake. “You should probably get her that phone call.”

Jake presses his lips together, anger flashing across his face. “What the fuck?” he mumbles.

Soul Patch steps toward Jake. “I said I’d help you out, man. I didn’t know the Morettis were involved in this. Give her the phone call and you can hold her until one of their lawyers gets here.” He walks out, leaving Jake and me alone.

“I know you fucking killed him, Mia.”

“My phone call?” is all I say in response.

Jake uncuffs me and hands me a telephone. But he stands over me, watching the entire time. I hold the plastic receiver to my face, praying that Kat answers.

“Hello?” The sound of her voice almost makes me cry.

“Kat,” I blurt out. “I’ve been arrested.”

“Mia, honey,” she says with a huge sigh. “We hoped that was you. Are you okay?”

“No,” I sniff.

“Have they hurt you?”

“No. I’m just—they’ve arrested me on suspicion of murder, Kat,” I whisper.

“We’ll get you out of there soon, okay? But I’m going to pass you over to Dante’s lawyer real quick. His name is Drake James.”

I don’t want to talk to a lawyer; I don’t even want to talk to Kat. I need to hear his voice. “Is, uh, is Lorenzo there?”

“I’m here, Mia.” His deep, calm tone cuts through my internal chatter, soothing all those frayed nerves. Even after everything, his voice alone gives me comfort. Kat must have me on speaker. “Listen to Drake. He’s going to have you out of there real soon.”

“Mia, this is Drake,” an unfamiliar voice says. “Don’t say anything. I’ll be there soon. Okay?”


“We’ve got you, sunshine,” Lorenzo says softly.Sunshine.The memories invoked by that word have me fighting off tears.

“Tell me where you are and exactly what the cop who took you said.”

“I’m at the Fourth and Beacon precinct. He said he was bringing me in on suspicion of murder.” The force of Jake’s glower has me whispering that last word again.

“What’s the cop’s name?” Lorenzo growls.

“J-Jake Mulcahy.”

“Brad’s brother?”

I glance up at Jake and wish I hadn’t because the pure venom in his glare makes me want to throw up. “Yes.”
