Page 13 of Lorenzo

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“We can’t have cops turning up here looking for a stolen car.”

She gasps. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think.”

“I’ll have someone drive it back to Boston and dump it near your house.”

Looking down at her hands in her lap, she nods. “I’m sorry.”

Seeing this strong, fiery woman so defeated and meek causes something inside me to snap. “That’s the third time you’ve apologized since you walked in here. Stop it.”

“I’m…” She presses her lips together. “It’s a nervous tic.”

Saying nothing, I stare at her.

“I appreciate you helping me out with this more than you will ever know. Thank you, Lorenzo.”

“Like Dante said, you’re family.” Brushing her off, I grab my phone and make arrangements to have the Mustang picked up and taken back to Boston. She doesn’t look like she’s buying my feigned disinterest; she’s staring at me with an expression full of curiosity and awe—as though I’m some hero who’s going to save her. I’m not. I can’t even save myself.



Scooping baby Micah up from his play mat, I give him a squeeze. I’ve been here for over a week now, and I’ve barely gotten to spend any time with him.

“Hey, buddy. Your Uncle Lorenzo has been hogging my baby cuddles the whole time I’ve been here.”

“Dada,” he squeals, showing off his single tooth with a drooly grin.

Kat sidles up behind me, enunciating the syllables of my name. “Mee-uh.”

“Dada,” he repeats, clapping his hands with delight.

Kat rolls her eyes dramatically. “He’s been saying dada for three weeks now, and he still refuses to say anything else.”

“That’s because his daddy is his favorite person in the world,” Dante says, walking straight to his wife and wrapping her in his arms. He gives her a soft kiss on the lips, and she leans into him. The contented look on her face warms my heart. She had a shit time of it before she met him, and she deserves every ounce of happiness coming her way.

Kat looks up at Dante and smirks. “Try telling him that when he’s screaming for a boob.”

He nuzzles her neck and whispers something for her ears only judging by the way her cheeks turn red and she giggles. After a few seconds, she pushes him away. “We have a guest,” she scolds.

“Mia isn’t a guest. She’s family. Right?” He directs the question to me.

“Right,” I agree. “But that reminds me. I want to be helpful while I’m here. You guys have any jobs that need doing? Anyone got any muscle pain they need fixing?” I ask with a self-deprecating shrug.

Dante’s brow furrows and he looks from me to Kat. “Muscle pain?”

“Mia’s a trained and certified massage therapist,” my cousin explains.

“Really? Huh. Lorenzo’s had a stiff neck for a few weeks. He insists on sleeping on the sofa instead of in a bed.”

Kat turns to face Dante, her features etched with concern. “He’s still doing that?”

Dante nods, his brow furrowing.

Why is Lorenzo sleeping on the sofa? I don’t ask that question out loud though because it seems impolite to ask them about Lorenzo’s sleeping arrangements instead of asking him myself. “I’ll see if he’ll let me take a look. But is there anything else I can help with? Babysitting? Office work? Cleaning?”

“You don’t have to do any of that, Mia. We have an army of staff here.” Her cheeks flush. Before she married into the Moretti family, she cleaned office buildings, and she still isn’t comfortable with having people pick up after her.

Dante and Kat share a look. “Actually, I think there is something you can help with.”
