Page 70 of Lorenzo

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“Will I need a safe word?”


“I think it should be bananas.”

Laughing, I arch one eyebrow. “It can’t be bananas.”

“Why not?”

“Because it has to be a word that you wouldn’t ordinarily say. You say bananas far too often.”

Her hazel eyes widen. “I do?”

“Mia.” I brush a hand through her hair and tug her head back to the perfect angle. “You are the only person I know who says bananas when they really mean fuck.” I kiss her soft lips then release her so she can perch on the edge of my desk.

“I don’talwayssay bananas when I mean that other word,” she reminds me, a pink blush creeping across the bridge of her nose.

“Pick another.”

She presses her lips together and stares at the ceiling. “How about cantaloupe?”

“Why the obsession with fruit?”

With a shrug, she pops a grape into her mouth from the bowl on my desk. “I guess I’m a fruity kind of person.”

She’s certainly something. My eyes roam over her face. She’s entirely serious about her word choice.

“So cantaloupe then? Can that be my safe word? I would never say that usually. I’d just say melon.”

“Cantaloupe is fine.”

She inches along the edge of my desk, dangerously close. Mia will soon learn that being within touching distance means she’s likely to end up with a part of me inside a part of her. She runs a fingernail across the collar of my shirt. “Do you have a safe word?”


“I read that some Doms do.”

“I don’t. I’ll stop a scene if I think it’s too much for either of us.”

“Okay. So, do we need to discuss limits?” I pull her onto my lap and silence her with a brief kiss, but as soon as I let her up for air, she’s talking again. “I’m sorry, I just have so many questions,” she whispers.

“I know, sunshine. How about we go grab some breakfast before we talk any more about this?” I run my nose along her throat, and I swear, she fucking purrs like a contented cat. “Because thinking about all of the filthy things I’d like to do to you while you’re sitting here half naked is making me hard as fuck.”

She giggles, biting her lip as she runs her slender fingers over the back of my neck. “I guess that’s not very conducive to talking then?”

I grab a handful of her perfect ass. “No. If we stay here, the only talking you’ll be doing is moaning my name.”

Her hazel eyes grow darker and she clears her throat. “That sounds all kinds of hot, but I think we should talk first.”

I’m glad she backs away, because I lack the willpower to force the issue, and I really don’t want to fuck this up before we even get started.

* * *

Mia sits opposite me,chewing a bite of her pancakes and watching me intently. I can almost hear her brain working, racing with questions.

“You want to talk about how this might work?”

She nods, swallowing her food before she speaks. “Please.”
