Page 74 of Lorenzo

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The question is obviously rhetorical, so I remain silent but motion for her to continue.

“But that’s not what I want at all. I mean, I want control, but isn’t that what this is? Aren’t I the one in control here too? I think that was what drew me to Brad when I met him. He always took charge of situations, and I loved that about him. I guess I was attracted to his dominance even though I didn’t really understand that back then. And there were so many red flags that I didn’t see until after we were already married.This”—she waves her hands between us—“feels like an equal partnership way more than any other kind of relationship could be. I choose to give my autonomy to you, and in return you respect my wishes and my feelings. You stop whenever I ask you to. You check in with me. You care for me and my well-being. Andthatis why I want this.”

I brush my fingertips over her cheek. She couldn’t have given me a more perfect answer if I’d written it for her myself.

“And why do you want this, Lorenzo?” she asks softly, her hazel eyes shining green as they stare into mine. She’s so open and trusting. In my world of darkness and deceit, she is an actual ray of fucking sunshine.

“These limits don’t mean a lot to me, Mia.” My statement is met with a frown. “Your limits do, of course. I will respect them, but there’s very little I wouldn’t be prepared to do for or to you. I don’t enter into this kind of relationship lightly, and I’m not doing it so I can punish or praise or spank you. We could do those things in a conventional relationship too. I told you before, what I want is simply your submission. The very act of you giving up your control is what’s important to me.”

She climbs into my lap and straddles me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “If you want my submission, you have it. I’m yours.”

My cock throbs in my pants as she rolls her hips. There are two thin pieces of fabric between us, and the heat from her pussy is too fucking distracting.

“My good girl,” I growl, running my nose over her collarbone.

“Only if you want me to be.” She laughs softly. “But you must have some limits. You said there was very little you wouldn’t do, not nothing.”

“I have two.” I lift my head and look into her beautiful trusting face. “Infidelity is unforgivable. It’s the worst breach of trust between two people who have committed themselves to each other. You ever cheat on me and we’re over.”

She shakes her head. “I would never.”

“That means I don’t share. No matter the circumstances. You belong only to me.”

“I don’t want you to share.” Her eyebrows knit together in a frown. “Why would you do that?”

“Some people do, especially in the community. Sometimes as a form of punishment, other times because that’s a couple’s dynamic, but it’s not mine.”

“Not mine either. So I guess that’s a hard limit for me too,” she says. “And your other limit?”

“I can’t abide petty jealousy. Know that if I’m committed to you, I am yours as much as you’re mine. If I talk to a woman, if I make pleasant conversation, that doesn’t mean I want to fuck her.” It was the thing Anya struggled with most, and it took years for me to condition it out of her. Questioning my loyalty is a big deal for me.

Mia smiles. “No acting jealous if you speak to another woman. Promise. No cheating or sharing.”

I slide a hand to the back of her neck, palming it possessively as I wrap my other arm around her waist and pull her closer. “No cheating or sharing isn’t just a limit, Mia. I don’t do jealousy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t protect what is mine. Youaremine. If another man so much as touches you without my permission, whether you want him to or not, he will die.”

“Like…you’d kill him?”


She darts out her tongue, moistening her lips. My little pacifist is struggling with that concept.

“This is the man I am, sunshine. You sure you want to go all in with me?” Like she actually has a choice. She’s already mine, and there’s no chance in hell I’m letting her go.

Her eyes flicker over my face and she nestles closer. “I want all in.”

So we’re doing this. I stand, picking her up with me and wrapping her legs around my waist.

“Where are we going?” she asks, smiling up at me.

“Back to bed to continue working through our terms.”

A flush creeps over her neck.

“We still have some issues to iron out, don’t you think?” Not giving her a chance to answer, I seal my mouth over hers and carry her upstairs.


