Page 75 of Lorenzo

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Ichew on my thumbnail and bounce on my toes, full of nervous excitement. Lorenzo takes my hand and pulls it away from my mouth.

“I’m excited,” I say breathlessly and peer through the windows while I wait for the car to pull up at the front door.

“You remember the rules, sunshine?”

“No nervous babbling. No negativity about myself, and no brushing off compliments.” Those are the only rules he gave me for our first time out as a couple. I figure he’s taking it easy on me—way too easy, if you ask me—because he thinks I’ll struggle to obey his rules. Like I told him, I’m excited rather than nervous, and I can keep my babbling in check for a few hours. As for talking bad about myself, I know I joke about my fat butt occasionally, but I’m a woman confident in her own skin. I can so do this. This submissive thing is a breeze. I’m going to ace my first test.

The car pulls up and Lorenzo places his hand on the small of my back, flashing me a wicked grin, like he knows something I don’t. “You ready?” We’re going on a double date with Joey and Max, and I’m beyond giddy with excitement. “You remember the other rule, right? The one that’s always in play?” he asks, dusting his lips over my neck and making me shiver.

“Do whatever you say without question.”

“Good girl.”

* * *

Joey pushes her plate away,groaning loudly. “I’m so full,” she moans, rubbing a hand over her stomach. “That was so much pasta.”

Max grins at his wife. “Pretty sure you’ll still have room for dessert, baby girl.”

“There’s always room for dessert, DiMarco.” She grins back at him, and he licks his lips.

“Do you two really have to do that in front of me?” Lorenzo asks with a groan. “Can we not have one meal without some kind of sexual innuendo?”

“Says the man who’s been feeling his date up under the table all night?” Joey fires back with a pop of her eyebrow. “Don’t think we can’t see you.”

I suppress a smile because she’s right, he has been doing that.

Lorenzo narrows his eyes at her. “I wasn’t trying to hide it. But Mia isn’t Max’s little sister, is she?”

Joey rolls her eyes, but Max laughs. “We’ll be good, buddy,” Max adds when Lorenzo shoots him a look.

I push some chicken from my Caesar salad around my plate. “You had enough to eat, Mia?” Joey asks. Her pasta looked delicious, but I went for the lighter option because I don’t want to burst out of the beautiful new dress that Lorenzo bought me—it cost more than I used to earn in a year—and also because this is my first dinner out with Lorenzo. I want to make a good impression.

“Yeah.” It’s not exactly a lie. I have eatenenough, although I could eat a lot more.

I feel Lorenzo’s eyes on me. He and Max ordered ribeye steaks, which were massive, and they practically wiped their plates clean.

Joey extends her arm and makes a gimme gesture. “Pass me that dessert menu.”

Max rolls his eyes and takes a menu from the empty table beside us. He grabs another one and hands it to me, but I shake my head. “Oh, none for me, thanks.”

“You don’t want dessert?” Joey asks incredulously. “What was the point of getting that tiny ass salad if not to save room for a dessert as big as a bus?”

“Yeah, well my ass is already the size of a bus, so I have to stay away from sugar and fat,” I say, laughing.

Joey rolls her eyes but doesn’t question me further. “Loz, you’ll order dessert with me, right?”

He takes the menu from her outstretched hand. “Sure, kid.”

* * *

As we walk outof the restaurant, my cheeks hurt from laughing and smiling. I hug Joey and Max goodbye, and then Lorenzo and I climb into the waiting car. When the car merges into traffic, he presses a button to speak to the driver.

“Take the fastest route home, Tommy,” he orders.

“Of course, Boss.”

I bite down on my bottom lip, wondering what he has in store for me when we get home. Surely I just aced my first sub mission. I run my hand over the lapel of his jacket. “Tonight was lovely. Thank you.”
