Page 99 of Lorenzo

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He holds tighter, pulling me toward him. The smell of cigarettes invades my nostrils. “What? You used to love the way I touched you.” He runs a fingertip down my cheek and I shudder. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. I’m safe. I’m in the hotel. There’s security here.

I blink and focus on his face. “What the hell are you doing here, Jake?” I spit his name because I dislike this man almost as much as I did his brother.

An arrogant smirk on his face, he pulls a pair of cuffs from his belt. “Taking you in on suspicion of murder, darlin’.” He twists my wrists behind my back and roughly slaps the restraints on me.

My head spins. He knows what I did to Brad? Am I going to prison for murdering a cop?

“Wh-what the hell are you on about?” I stammer, afraid my guilt is written all over my face.

He grabs my hair at the nape of my neck and pulls hard, forcing me to look at him. “You know exactly what the hell I’m talking about, you cheating whore.” A globule of his saliva hits my cheek. I try to wipe the vile substance onto my shoulder, but he holds my head firmly in place and brings his face close to mine, his foul breath making me gag. “Brad went looking for you and never came back. You might have the rest of the world convinced you’re some sweet little angel, but you and I know the truth, don’t we, Mia?” He shoves me down the hallway. “We both know you’re a liar and a bitch who’d fuck anyone over just to save her own skin.”

“No, Jake, please.” He knows that’s not who I am. He knows me.

“Jake, please?” he whines, mocking me with my own words. “Save it for the station, sweetheart, because you’ll be confessing to my brother’s murder before the night is over.”

He releases his grip on my hair and grabs my elbow, his thick fingers digging into my skin as he drags me along the hallway to the elevator. I glance around, hoping that a Moretti guard will be there, but we’re alone.

A sob wells in my throat. I guess this is what I deserve after all. I did kill Brad. I plunged that knife into his neck, and I’d do it again. The elevator doors ping open. One of Lorenzo’s men steps out and frowns at us, and my heart leaps with hope.

“Tommy!” His name leaves my lips like a prayer to the heavens.

He trains his eyes on Jake, teeth bared like a protective dog. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Jake pulls his badge from his pocket. “Back off, asshole. Mrs. Mulcahy here is under arrest.”

Tommy reaches around to his back, where he keeps his gun in a holster. Oh god. “Tommy, don’t! He really is a cop. Can you just let Kat know what’s happened to me? Please?”

His eyes flit between me and Jake.

“That’s right, fucker, do as the lady wants and back the fuck off.”

He grinds his teeth, likely torn between wanting to protect me and the knowledge that any attempt to free me from this situation would cause a load of trouble. “Please, Tommy. I’ll be okay, can you just let Kat and …” Swallowing, I stop myself from saying Lorenzo’s name. “Can you just let Kat know what’s happened?”

He nods but continues glaring at Jake.

“That’s a good boy.” Jake gives a sinister laugh and shoves me into the elevator.



I’m almost at the hotel when a call comes through from my sister.

“Hey, Joey.”

“Are you driving?”


“Fuck,” she mutters, almost inaudibly.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. “What is it?”

She clears her throat before answering. “Mia’s been arrested.”

She must be mistaken. My Mia? Arrested? “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Tommy just called Max. Mia was arrested ten minutes ago. The cop had a badge. He was legit.”
